Bed sore lawyers say that the fourth and final stage of pressure sores brings about a large scale loss of tissue. Some wounds may be so deep that tendons, bones, and muscles can actually become exposed. Within the depths of the wound, slough (dark dead tissue) and significant drainage is likely built up. We know that the fourth stage signifies deep and widespread skin damaged caused by the bed sore. Medical attention is required to preserve the health and life of patients.
The Road to Recovery
People need to get in contact with their doctor or health care provider as soon as possible. This stage of bed sores can lead to a serious deterioration of health and even worse, it could cause death. Following a medical consultation, it is imperative that people closely monitor the status of the bed sore. We know that the first sign of recovery will be that the wound will slowly begin to diminish in width and depth. New tissue will begin to form along the edges of the sore, which will generally be a light pinkish color. People may also notice blood at the site of the wound: although most people usually see blood as a bad sign, in the case of bed sore recovery it is actually a positive sign. Bed sore attorneys believe that blood shows that there is good circulation in this region of the bed sore which will help the region begin to heal.
Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia
If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a pressure sore which you attribute to neglect or mistreatment, it is possible that you would like to speak with our professionals. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.