Topamax is a popular prescription drug, used to help prevent epileptic seizures and migraine headaches. Birth defect attorneys have recently discovered, via an issued warning from the FDA, that Topamax use during pregnancy may cause oral malformations, such as a cleft lip or cleft palate, in newborn children. The formation of a cleft lip forces a young child to undergo surgery (or surgeries) within the first three months of birth in order to repair the cleft or clefts. Cleft lip can have many damaging consequences on both the baby and the mother, which is why it’s essential to fix the problem as soon as possible. Birth defect attorneys recommend that mother’s seek medical assistance as soon as possible and avoid the use of Topamax during pregnancy.
Post Childbirth Surgery
The recommended age for cleft lip or cleft palate correction surgery is generally ten weeks following birth. Two surgeons, Wilhelmmesen and Musgrave, coined the “rule of ten”, calling for children suffering from cleft lip to be at least ten weeks old, weigh ten pounds, and have at least 10g hemoglobin before an operation.
Birth defect attorneys have learned that children suffering from a bilateral cleft may need to undergo two surgeries to close each side separately. Also, children who have an incomplete cleft lip may be required to have the same exact procedure as those with a complete cleft. Although mothers may dread the thought of subjecting their baby to surgery at such a young age, it is usually the only logical route to take. Those babies who have the surgery within 2-3 months following birth are likely to fully recover and have a minimally noticeable scar. Birth defect attorneys and medical professionals alike stress the importance of mothers meeting with both medical experts and family members to choose a plan that works best for them and their child. Although potentially scary and nerve-racking, birth defects, such as cleft lip and cleft palate, can be easily treated, allowing kids to lead perfectly normal and happy lives.
Birth Defect Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia
If your child was born with a cleft lip or cleft palate birth defect, and you believe it is attributable to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, you probably have some questions for a birth defects attorney. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey, or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia.