Last summer, after a large number of radiation overdoses began emerging, the FDA set off an investigation into why patients were being bombarded with excess radiation. They have yet to publish findings.
The New York Times investigation found that , nationwide, upwards of 400 patients received radiation overdoses in only 8 hospitals. Six of those hospitals are located in California. A health official in California believes that more cases will undoubtedly surface once other states begin to look into the issue. The Times determined that it is relatively unclear why the overdoses are taking place.
Blame could fall on the shoulders of the technicians, who are not properly using the equipment, or the manufacturers of the equipment, who provide poor design and inadequate training. GE Healthcare, one manufacturer of the scanner, suggests to technicians higher levels of radiation for clearer images, a practice that one expert said is unjustified and potentially dangerous.
Affected By a Radiation Overdose? Contact the Mininno Law Office
Depending on what further investigation determines is the catalyst for these radiation overdoses, victims could potentially file medical malpractice or product liabilty claims.
Radiation is a dangerous technology that must be handled with extreme care. Four hundred patients in 8 hospitals suffering from excessive radiation levels is proposterous.
If you or a loved believe you are suffering from the effects of a radiation overdose, contact the Mininno Law Office. Our New Jersey medical malpractice and defective product attorneys will help in any way possible to determine if you have a case. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call us for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.
Let us help you get the compensation you deserve.