House Introduces Malpractice Reform Bill

On Monday, Republicans introduced medical malpractice reform legislation into the House that, if passed, would greatly limit the rights of patients who have suffered injuries at the hands of negligent medical providers. The bill, sponsored by Republican Phil Gingrey (R-GA), an OB/GYN, Republican David Scott (D-GA), and Judiciary Committee Chairman, Republican Lamar Smith (R-TX), aims to place extensive limits on how and when victims of medical negligence can file claims. It also aims to apply one-size-fits-all caps on recoveries.


new jersey medical malpractice lawyers republican phil gingrey
Republican Phil Gingrey (R-GA)
The bill was introduced as the Help-Efficient, Lowcost, Accessible, Timely Health Care Act, or HEALTH Act. Supporters of the proposed legislation claim that reform of the medical liability system is necessary to lower healthcare costs. But the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that such reform could only save, at most, .5% of all healthcare costs. Furthermore, the bill does nothing to support an American people that loses up to 100,000 lives a year to medical negligence. With caps on liability, the bill serves as a government hand-out to physicians, insurance companies, nursing homes, and even pharmaceutical companies, that act with negligence and greed, and harm patients and consumers.

Limiting liability and removing many patients’ rights to a jury trial will only further the country’s current medical negligence problem that continues to worsen. What motivation is there to provide better care when accountability lessens? If healthcare reform is the question, sacrificing patients’ rights is not the answer.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Medical malpractice lawyers everywhere are fighting the passage of medical liability reform legislation. Patients are injured everyday due to the practice of negligent and careless medicine, and many need compensation to carry out the rest of their lives.

If you or a loved one have suffered at the hands of a negligent medical provider, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let our team fight for your rights to full and fair compensation.