Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers: CNAs Took Unauthorized Photo of Resident

Unfortunately, among a sea of good, attentive, and compassionate nursing home caregivers, exists a great many negligent, abusive, and careless nursing home caregivers. As nursing home neglect lawyers, we hear about, on a daily basis, different types of abuse ranging from the horrible cases that end in serious injury and even death, to cases where the staff takes advantage of their power through inappropriate behavior such as theft, fraud, or sexual abuse.

CNAs Shared Cellphone Photo of Resident with Other Staff Members

new jersey philadelphia nursing home neglect lawyers Colonial Hills center
The Colonial Hills Nursing Center in Tennessee has undergone an investigation after two certified nursing assistants took an unauthorized photo on a cell phone of a resident and then forwarded the photo to “an undisclosed number of staff members” and one of the CNA’s teenage daughter. On July 22, the shoulders-up, fully clothed photo was taken after a clean brief fell on the resident’s head. They took the photo because they found the incident “humorous” and “endearing.” The picture was said to be blurry and the resident was not clearly identifiable. Both CNAs were fired and the facility was fined $6,000 from the state and $4,550 a day from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services until the violations are corrected. According to the report, the incident was “a violation of dignity” and the facility failed to protect the resident, enforce policies against employees using cellphones in patient areas and taking photos in the home, and to properly investigate the incident. The state suspended admissions to the nursing home after inspections found more violations. The facility submitted a plan for correcting their problems and the state lifted the suspension.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is currently a resident of a nursing home or care facility, pay attention to the quality of the nursing staff. If you are worried that the care they are receiving is negligent, abusive, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.