Medical Malpractice Attorneys: Vet’s Hepatitis C Due to Negligence?

Between the years 2004 and 2009, 11,000 United States veterans received colonoscopies with improperly cleaned equipment in Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia. Medical malpractice attorneys say that of this group of veterans, five have tested positive for HIV, twenty five have tested positive for Hepatitis C, and an additional eight have tested positive for Hepatitis B. Many of the veterans have filed lawsuits or reached settlements out of court. Robert Metzler, a 69 year old U.S. Air Force veteran, is the first vet to have his case reach trial.

Air Force Veteran seeks $30 Million

new jersey philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys veteran negligence cases reach trial robert metzlerMetzler’s medical malpractice attorney said that he had a colonoscopy in 2007 and a mere two years later he was told that he had hepatitis C. Metzeler is now seeking $20 million for himself, and $10 million for his wife due to loss of consortium. Three hospitals had allegedly failed to properly clean the medical equipment that was being used. The equipment was being rinsed after each patient but the proper method of cleaning would have been to sterilize the equipment with steam and chemicals. Medical malpractice attorneys say that it is quite clear that these procedures were done in an environment of inadequate training, lack of supervision, and inadequate communication. It is unclear how these cases will turn out at trial, with the Veterans’ Administration claiming that the chances that these vets contracted the diseases from this procedure are in some cases very small. As for Metzler, his medical malpractice attorney said “he feels terrible about it, he always took great care of himself. He ran, swam, ate healthy so he could have a good quality of life, and now he ends up with a serious health problem.”

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a family member have recently been the victim of medical negligence, it is possible that you would like to speak with our professionals. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

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