Medical Malpractice Attorneys Score Back to Back Wins in PA

In late April, two plaintiffs in Erie County, Pennsylvania received favorable verdicts in their medical malpractice cases, with awards totally over $30 million.

One case involved the estate of Carolyn Champlin, a 66 year old woman who lost her life to a missed lung cancer diagnosis. The missed diagnosis prevented Champlin from ever receiving treatment for her illness, even though she had all necessary tests and met with both her primary care physician and a thoracic surgeon regularly. Both doctors missed the cancer, as it spread through and ravaged her body. Another case involved a negligent child-birth that resulted in cerebral palsy.

These two verdicts are major wins for medical malpractice attorneys in Pennsylvania who are seeking fair outcomes for their victimized clients.

Pennsylvania County Stands Up Against Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice AttorneysThe Champlin verdict came down after a jury deliberated for over six hours, spanning a two day period. The thoracic surgeon, Wilfredo Tan, settled during the jury deliberations, after being found liable for 40% of the total negligence. The jury returned a verdict of over $1.8 million dollars for the plaintiff. The final number was eventually decreased by forty percent because of Tan’s portion, which was dealt with in a pre-verdict settlement. The primary care doctor, Renato Ocampo, was found liable for the remaining 60%.

This major victory came only a day after another Erie County plaintiff received $21.6 million dollar verdict. That damage award was compensation for the botched delivery of Ja’Kareon Graham. Graham was deprived a significant amount of oxygen during labor and was born with cerebral palsy. He will require special care for the rest of his life, and will likely not be able to support himself as he gets older. The verdict was awarded for past and future medical expenses as well as lost earning capacity. IT will be distributed to the Grahams in annuities until 2081. The $21.6 million award was the largest in Erie County history and, coupled with the success of the following day, makes it clear that medical malpractice attorneys are working effectively to earn compensation for the innocent victims of medical negligence.

Medical malpractice attorneys have the enormous duty of fighting for fair compensation when medical professionals fail to act in accordance with their standards of care. It is encouraging to see that two families received some closure after devastating tragedies lead to birth defects and death.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a family member have recently been the victim of medical malpractice or negligence, you may be entitled to compensation similar to the plaintiffs in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey, or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia.

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