Nursing Home Neglect and Medication Errors Lead to $3,000 Fine

nursing home neglect in NJ and PAThe Regency Heights of Danielson nursing home facility in Connecticut is facing a $3,000 fine after multiple cases of nursing home neglect were discovered. The facility was cited by the Department of Public Health on August 18th because, according to the report, several nurses at the facility were not giving all of the prescribed medications to the residents. The director of nurses was notified of the problem in July and an internal investigation from the facility was conducted. They found at least 18 cases where the residents, including those who suffered from heart failure, hypertension, and seizures, were not given their medications. They initially found that one licensed practical nurse was withholding medication from a diabetic patient. She was suspended and then fired. The director of nurses then performed a full audit of all medication carts and concluded that “multiple other nurses had also not administered all medications as prescribed.”

The most alarming of the cases was one diabetic patient was not given 72 doses of Glucophage over seven months. Glucophage is a medication that helps control the glucose in the blood. Luckily,  none of the patients died or were seriously harmed as a result of the medicinal neglect. All of the residents were evaluated medically and the nursing home re-trained the entire staff on administering medication.

The Importance of Medication for the Elderly

Neglecting to administer medications to the elderly and disabled residents of nursing homes can have fatal consequences. By the time someone must depend on a nursing home to provide necessary care, their health is quite fragile. Medications are incredibly important to maintain a comfortable quality of life and to correct the health problems that come with old age.

Some residents are capable of medicating themselves, however a large number of residents need staff assistance to stay on top of a treatment schedule. When residents are new to a facility, the staff is not yet familiar with their medications, so as nursing home neglect attorneys, we strongly encourage communicating the needs of your loved ones when starting in a new facility in order to prevent this type of nursing home neglect.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is currently a resident of a nursing home or care facility and you are worried that they are not receiving their medication, or that the care they are receiving is negligent, abusive, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

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