Medical Malpractice Attorneys: Illinois Doctor Info to Go Public

In January of this year, the Mininno Law Office Blog posted about an act in Illinois government, passed by the House of Representatives and awaiting Senate approval, that would make available background information on medical providers throughout the state. On August 10th, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Patients’ Right to Know Act. This law will allow patients full access to the history of doctors and specialists, providing knowledge of medical malpractice lawsuits and/or payouts that the doctor has been involved in. More informed decisions can be made, and it can also be argued that the availablity of this information will force physicians to provide better care to patients in order to remain in business. The public release of this information could do far more damage to a negligent doctor’s practice than word of mouth ever could.

Patients Will Now Have Access to Crucial Information

new jersey philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys illinois doctor info goes publicThe doctors have been provided a sixty day window to edit and review their online profiles before they become accessible to the public. If doctors provide false information, and mislead potential healthcare consumers, lawyers believe that they will be subject to different forms of discipline. Other information that will be included in these profiles includes the medical schools they attended, specialty board certification, number of years in practice, location of practice, and whether or not the doctor participates in Medicaid.

While passage of the law might be a large step for patients in Illinois, is it really a win? With the ability to edit their profiles, will doctors really be providing all of the information patients would want to see? It might be slightly naive to believe that patients will now be fully informed before they select a doctor or physician. Medical malpractice attorneys believe that allowing patients to see if a doctor has been making malpractice payments in recent years will shed light on the diligence and professionalism of physicians before they are chosen. But whether or not this law will allow for that has yet to be seen.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a family member has recently been the victim of medical negligence, it is possible that you would like to speak with our professionals. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Neglect Causes Fatal Accident with Oxygen Tube

As the elderly population grows, so too do the occurrences of nursing home neglect. Unfortunately, government budget cuts are on the rise as well. This causes nursing home staff to be spread too thin and because of this, mistakes are often made. Unfortunately, small oversights can lead to serious injury or even death. Nursing homes and long term care facilities need to be more aware of small changes to procedures that can save their residents’ lives.

Elderly Man Dies After Oxygen Tube gets Wrapped Around His Neck

nursing home neglect in NJ and PAAn 82-year-old man from Illinois died this month at Heartland Healthcare nursing home. According to the police report, Irvin W. Brackett was found by nursing assistant Annette Payton at 10:30 p.m. on the floor with an oxygen tube and electrical cord wrapped around his neck and tied to an assistance lever that was hanging over his bed. Payton immediately called other nurses for help. They removed the constraints and began emergency resuscitation. An ambulance was called to help but nothing could be done and the nursing home called for the coroner at 12:16 a.m. Brackett was pronounced dead at the scene by the Knox County Coroner Mark Thomas. According to Thomas:

“We are unable to determine if it was something Mr. Brackett did intentionally, or it was simply an accident…He may have been trying to get out of bed. He was found halfway in and halfway out of the bed with the cord wrapped around his neck. We don’t have any exact reason to believe it was suicide.”

Whatever the reason was for his death, accident, suicide, or murder, the nursing home neglected Brackett. The elderly are vulnerable and very prone to accidents due to their physical weaknesses. The hospital should not have had those cords hanging above the bed where a patient could become tangled. Residents’ rooms should be clean and clear of any clutter, sharp objects, or things that the elderly can easily become tangled or trip over.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is currently a resident of a nursing home or long term care facility, pay attention to the layout of their room. If there is anything you see that you think may be hazardous to their safety, mention your concerns to the staff. If you are worried that the care they are receiving is negligent, abusive, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Abuse at Chicago Facility: Alden Village North

A month ago, the Chicago Tribune online published a story about Alden Village North nursing home, a long term care facility meant to house disabled children, adults, and senior citizens. The story revolved around 5 additional deaths that an investigation into the home was able to attribute to poor care and nursing home abuse.

Investigators Seek to Close Negligent Nursing Home

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers negligence discovered chicago facilityThe federally backed watchdog that performed the investigations, Equip for Equality, found the care provisions at Alden Village North deplorable. Illnesses were never treated properly, lab tests and results went ignored, doctors failed to return pages of medical charts, and investigations into resident deaths were superficial and incomplete.

The Chicago based advocacy group, Equip for Equality, was awarded the right to investigate the home because it is part of a larger, nation-wide network, granted powers by Congress to protect the rights of the disabled.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Nursing home abuse is a widespread and troublesome trend in today’s long term care facility industry. We depend on these homes to provide attentive and proper care to our loved ones, and instead, in some cases, they end up facilitating death. If your loved one is a resident in some sort of care facility and you are worried that the care they are receiving is negligent, abusive, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the nursing home abuse attorneys at the Mininno Law Office advocate for the rights of your loved ones.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Urge Vigilance of Nursing Home Care

On Tuesday February 22nd, 78 year old William Spears took himself and his walker for a stroll around 11:00 pm. He left through the front doors of the Emeritus Senior Living Facility in Mount Prospect, Illinois, and no one said or did a thing. Shortly after, Spears was struck by an SUV traveling east down Euclid Avenue. He was rushed to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, where, thanks to nursing home abuse by neglect, he was pronounced dead at 11:27pm.

Before he was a struck, a Ford Escape traveling west down Euclid Avenue saw him walking and stopped. The driver and the passengers got out of the car and tried to offer Spears help, which he refused. The Audi SUV that struck him also struck the Ford Escape, but fortunately, none of the passengers were hurt.

How Does a Man Wander Into the Street Without Anyone Noticing?

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers urge vigilanceSpears was able to leave this facility with his walker late at night, without any nursing home staff doing as much as asking him where he was going.
Where were the staff members when Spears wandered out to his death that cold Tuesday night? Why wasn’t there anyone at the front door? How can a man go missing and no one even notice?
It’s this kind of negligence that leads to injury and death of nursing home patients, and something must be done to make nursing homes and long term care facilities safer places to live.

There comes a time when our loved ones become ill and we can no longer provide the care they need. But if we can’t trust the nursing homes and rehab centers that we are supposed to send them to, what can we do? As family members, our only option is to research the facilities we are considering, and be vigilant when it comes to the care they are providing. Once your loved one is a resident, visit often, ask lots of questions, and listen to your loved one’s complaints. If no one else is going to regulate the industry, then we have to do it on our own.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is a resident at a nursing home or long term care facility, and you are worried that they care they are receiving is abusive, negligent, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.
The nursing home abuse lawyers at the Mininno Law Office are skilled and experienced in earning full and fair compensation for victims.

Illinois Takes Big Step to Prevent Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice attorneys are happy to hear about new steps being taken in Illinois to help prevent medical malpractice.
The Patients’ Right to Know Act was just passed by the Illinois House of Representatives and is currently awaiting Senate approval. The act, which would be a wonderful addition to all state legislation, would make available medical practitioner histories to past, current, and possible future patients. The histories would include firings, criminal convictions, and medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice and Doctor Profiles

new jersey philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers pursuit full disclosure doctor historiesMany argue that making this information available is unfair to medical providers, but in actuality, it’s keeping this information from unsuspecting patients that is unfair. Choosing a doctor, in some cases, can be a life and death situation. It is more fair to leave up to the patient’s discretion whether or not they will let that doctor provide them treatment, having already been informed about any malpractice or legal trouble that doctor has been in.

Patients in Illinois already know how valuable the information is, as these history profiles were available once before when the Illinois Supreme Court released them at the same time that they capped medical malpractice payments. But when the caps were declared unconstitutional, doctors saw to it that the profiles were prohibited from public consumption. The profiles, while they were available, earned about 130,000 clicks a week.

The Illinois State Medical Society is currently doing everything in it’s power to keep the Patients’ Right to Know Act from becoming law. They have been successful in thwarting past efforts to do similar things. Hopefully this time around, patient advocacy will triumph.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one have suffered at the hands of a negligent medical provider, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. The medical malpractice lawyers at the Mininno Law Office are skilled and experienced in earning victims full and fair compensation for damages aquired from medical malpractice. If you prefer, you may call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the Mininno Law Office team earn you the compensation that you need and deserve.

New Illinois Legislation Promises Better Nursing Home Care

new jersey philadelphia attorneys nursing home abuse neglect illinois legislation
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signs bill that aims to improve the care being provided in nursing homes across the state.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn recently signed a bill that aims to greatly improve the quality of care being provided to the state’s elderly citizens in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Supporters have high hopes that new regulations upheld by the bill will work to eradicate the disturbing trends of nursing home abuse, neglect, and violence currently plaguing the long term care industry.

Expected changes include:

  • New ratio of 1 inspector per every 500 beds
  • Increased criminal background checks and psychological testing of nursing home patients
  • Alternative housing arrangements for patients who are physically capable, but suffer from psychological conditions
  • Increased staffing levels at long term care facilities

  • Illinois State Governement
    intends to fund the plan by increasing licensing fees, and decreasing the amount of psychiatric patients in nursing homes. Small, group-homes require less staff oversight and will save some of the money the state currently spends on this area of care.

    Naysayers claim the bill is just a way to silence the public outcry for tighter restrictions on the care being provided in Illinois nursing homes. Whether or not that is true really doesn’t matter. The bill was signed, changes will be made, and nursing home care will improve.

    The Mininno Law Office Frowns Upon Nursing Home Abuse

    The Mininno Law Office has taken a firm and unwavering stand against nursing home abuse. Our elderly citizens deserve respectful, careful, and attentive treatment while staying in nursing homes and long term care facilities.

    If you or a loved one have experienced what you believe is nursing home abuse or negligence, contact the Mininno Law Office. Our New Jersey and Philadelphia Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys are ready to help you with your claim against the nursing home, and will work ’round the clock to get you the compensation you deserve. You can also call at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.