Elder Abuse Lawyers: How to Report Abuse or Neglect

Every state has different laws when it comes to reporting elder abuse and neglect. In most cases, professionals, such as doctors, nurses and facility staff, are required to report abuse to authorities. Elder abuse lawyers strongly encourage loved ones, neighbors, and even strangers to report elder abuse if and when you strongly believe something wrong is happening.

elder abuse lawyersTo file a complaint in New Jersey:

Call Toll Free Intake Line: 1-877-582-6995
Email: ombudsman@advocate.state.nj.us
Write: The Office of the Ombudsman
P.O. Box 852
Trenton, NJ 08625-0852
Fax: 609-943-3479

To file a complaint in Pennsylvania:

Call toll free Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-866-623-2137
Email: elderabuse@attorneygeneral.gov

In case of an emergency please call 911.

What Happens When You Report Elder Abuse

After a report has been filed, an investigation will be performed to determine the extent of abuse or neglect. They will be looking to find out:
-Is the victim is in immediate danger?
-What is the nature of the abuse?
-Is it likely to happen again?
-What is the level of risk?
-Can the victim make decisions for themselves and their care?
-What needs to be done to prevent future abuse?

Depending on the results of the investigation, authorities will follow protocol do what is best for the alleged victim. Sometimes, that involves immediate medical attention, relocation to a new facility, or placing them in the hands of a new caretaker. If the abuse is considered a crime, the police take action and file criminal charges. In some states, the victim can stop the investigation unless they are not mentally capable of making their own decisions or a crime has been committed.

New Jersey and Philadelphia Elder Abuse Lawyers

If you or your loved one has suffered abuse, negligence, and inadequacy you should contact elder abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Warn of the Use of Antipsychotic Drugs as “Chemical Restraints”

nursing home abuse lawyersThe elderly and disabled are often on a lot of medications to improve their heath and quality of life. These medications save and extend the lives of thousands of seniors in this country. However, senior advocacy groups and nursing home abuse lawyers are fighting to decrease the use of unnecessary antipsychotic medications. These drugs do help numerous people, including the elderly, but we are seeing an alarming number of antipsychotic medications being used in nursing homes on residents to make them easier to deal with. These “chemical restraints” are being misused by nursing homes and we are encouraging you to keep an eye on your loved ones in case they are being abused with these drugs.

Use of Antipsychotic Drugs in Nursing Homes Goes Down

The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services named “decreasing the use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes” a top priority last year, with a goal of reducing current usage by 15 percent. California made one of the highest drops with 8.5 percent. The state was already below the national average of 22.9 percent with 19.3 percent use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes. James Gomez, the president and CEO of the California Association of Health Facilities said, “This is a good start. The reduction of antipsychotic medication crosses into every aspect of the health care continuum — and this effort will succeed with the help of doctors, nurses, hospitals, families and nursing home caregivers.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one have suffered nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Report on Physical Abuse

As nursing home abuse lawyers, we know that having an elderly or sick loved one who can no longer care for themselves is an incredibly challenging situation to deal with. You either have to take on the burden yourself or trust a facility with their care. Trusting the well-being of someone you love with a potentially understaffed and underfunded nursing home is a scary and unnerving choice to make. It is important to visit often and pay close attention to everything to make sure they are getting the care they deserve.

Violent Physical Abuse Caught on Tape

nursing home abuse lawyersDiana Valentin, the granddaughter of 89-year old Ana Louisa Medina, started to notice unusual markings and bruising after Medina was admitted to the Gold Crest Care Center in the Bronx, New York. “They were telling me she had gotten the bruising on her hands by banging on the bed railing,” Valentin said. She then placed a hidden camera in her grandmother’s room to see if she was being abused or neglected. “The first video that I saw, she grabbed my grandmother’s arm, twisted it back, lifted her off the bed and slammed her into the bed,” Valentin said. The day after she viewed the shocking footage she went to the nursing home and demanded Medina be transferred. Fifty-five year-old nurse’s aide Sandra Kerr has been arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a physically disabled person.

She basically took care of me. I was very close to her, so now it’s my turn to take care of her,” Valentin said of her grandmother.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one have suffered nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy, it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers: Special Focus Facility List

The federal and state governments have organizations and policies in place to regulate nursing homes and long term care facilities. The Special Focus Facility List is a list of homes that have received a high number of deficiencies over an extended period of time and will have increased inspections because of these problems. The list is meant to pressure the facilities into fixing the problems found in previous inspections. Failure to do so can result in losing Medicare and Medicaid funding. These facilities can be removed from the list if they show lasting improvements. As nursing home abuse lawyers, we encourage you to do your research before placing yourself or a loved one into a nursing home. The Special Focus Facility List is a great resource for finding a quality facility.

Facility Placed on Federal Watch List after Several Incidents

nursing home abuse lawyersThe East Galbraith Health Care Center in Deer Park, Ohio has recently been placed on the Special Focus Facility List after a series of three inspections last year found multiple problems and incidents. The most severe of the citations was the sexual abuse of a woman with dementia by a male patient. The male patient had learned an access code to a women’s area and sexually abused the female patient. The abuser, who also has dementia, is no longer at the facility. “I know this is a label placed on East Galbraith right now, but I do not believe that is who we are right now,” said administrator Abel Quintero. “A lot of good things happen here every day.” Other problems that led to East Galbraith being placed on the watch list were that the center did not have a registered nurse on duty at all times and one patient wasn’t given proper dosage of medication for depression. Facility staff is planning on meeting with a Medicare quality improvement organization to discuss strategies for improvement.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one has suffered nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy, it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers: Abusers Often Go Unpunished

Nursing home abuse is a real and ever growing issue in this country, largely due to the fact that abusers often feel they can get away with taking advantage of vulnerable and trusting adults. Sometimes, complaints can lead to reprimand or termination , but criminal charges are rarely pursued because law officials do not see these victims as reliable witnesses and cases are often dropped without the presence of undisputed evidence. Nursing home abuse lawyers do their best to make sure those found responsible for these horrible crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Mentally Disabled Man Beaten and Possibly Sexually Assaulted

nursing home abuse lawyersA 72-year-old man who was a resident of the O’Berry Neuro-Medical Treatment Center in Goldsboro, NC, has been physically abused, beaten and potentially sexually assaulted by the caregivers working in the facility which specializes in people with profound developmental disabilities. The victim, who lost a significant amount of his brain function in childhood when he got polio and pneumonia, started having seizures. His physical limitations increased and he required ’round-the-clock care. If you are in need of a lawyer visit The Ladan Law Firm – Orlando criminal defense attorney.

Shortly after moving, his niece started to notice bruises – one bruise shaped like the sole of a shoe across his pelvic region and on his buttocks. The victim told her that a male staff member pushed his head into a wall and kicked his groin. That worker never admitted to this but did admit to a “tussle” with the patient. The elderly man also told his niece that a male employee would get into bed with him at night and occasionally beat him with a belt. After an investigation, the man who kicked the patient was fired, but the home did not find any proof of sexual assault. His niece has filed a lawsuit to try to bring charges against the home and responsible workers.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one has suffered nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy, it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Discuss Psychological Abuse

elder abuse lawyersIt is often heartbreaking to see the deplorable treatment that our  elderly loved ones endure in nursing homes or long term care facilites. That is why New Jersey nursing home abuse lawyers at Messa & Associates fight for the vulnerable adults who have been neglected, taken advantage of, and physically and emotionally abused.

According to the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, psychological abuse is the “willful infliction of mental or emotional anguish by threat, humiliation, or other verbal or nonverbal conduct.” Abusers can be anyone from family members or those that are closest to the elder, to caregivers, nurse aids, or other nursing home staff. The most at risk individuals are those that do not have an emotional support group and are isolated from others. Psychological abuse is often the hardest type of elder abuse to spot, because the scars are emotional.

Signs of Psychological Abuse

There are many signs that psychological abuse is occurring, but it is important to remember that these actions and behaviors can be explained in other ways and you should be looking for several indicators that there is a problem. Some physical signs are weight gain or loss, increased stress and elevated blood pressure. Some behavioral signs might include problems sleeping, depression, confusion, or acting withdrawn, especially around the abuser.  Other signs might include unexplained agitation, unresponsiveness, or unusual behavior such as biting and rocking.

Philadelphia and New Jersey Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

If you or your loved one have suffered the often devastating effects of nursing home abuse or negligence, its time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Warn Against Violence between Residents

nursing home abuse lawyersThe Messa & Associates Blog focuses a lot on nursing home abuse and neglect, mostly from caretakers, nursing home employees, and family members. But another kind of abuse exists within nursing homes – violence from other residents. It is the nursing home staff’s job to monitor residents and make sure they are not engaging in violent, harmful, or inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately, due to illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s, side effects from strong medications, and general frustration, some residents become violent. As nursing home abuse lawyers, we want you to be aware of this aspect of nursing homes and to look out for any violence towards your loved one.

Elderly Woman Run Down by Other Resident in Wheelchair

A 44-year old woman, who is a resident of the Sharon Willow South nursing home in Peoria, Illinois, was taken to the hospital after her hostile neighbor ran her down with his wheelchair. The victim was outside of her room when another resident went after her with his wheelchair and knocked her to the ground. According to a witness, he directed his wheelchair towards the victim “with purpose and intention, and knocked her to the floor.” She was treated for scrapes as well as head and back pain at a local hospital and then released. The suspect, a 53-year old man, is an amputee who takes medication for depression and diabetes.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one have suffered violence, nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Elder Abuse Lawyers Educate What to Do if Victim of Financial Abuse

elder abuse lawyersThe elder abuse lawyers of Messa & Associates want to discuss what you should do if you recognize the signs and/or feel you have become a victim of financial abuse. It is not to late to defend yourself and rightfully punish the financial predator who is trying to harm you. The first step is recognizing that you are being taken advantage of and contacting the proper authorities. This may be difficult because often the accused is someone close to you such as a family member, good friend or caretaker. But you must be strong because what they have done is a crime. There are many agencies in place to help protect you from financial abuse.

Agencies To Contact

Police: If you feel you are in immediate danger call 911. To report the crime you should call your local police station on their non-emergency phone number

Adult Protective Services: Each state has an APS program that provide services working to ensure the safety of older adults and adults with disabilities who are being abused or neglected.

Long Term Care Ombudsmen: Ombudsmen are trained to resolve problems and provide information on how to find quality care. They are advocates for residents of nursing homes and assist with complaints about abuse or neglect.

New Jersey and Philadelphia Elder Abuse Lawyers

If you or your loved one has suffered financial abuse, negligence, and inadequacy, in addition to the agencies above you should also contact elder abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Warn of Sexual Assault

All forms of abuse and neglect, especially when inflicted on those who are vulnerable, are horrible and should never be tolerated. Sadly, as nursing home abuse lawyers, we see the worst of these cases. In my opinion, sexual abuse is the most despicable way to take advantage of the vulnerable elderly who trust the caretakers they depend on to help them with their daily needs.

Certified Nursing Aide Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault

nursing home abuse lawyersCertified nursing aide Christopher Cantrell, 45, has been arrested on sexual assault charges after being accused by a wheelchair bound female resident at the nursing home where he formally worked. The woman told police that she did not report multiple sexual incidents with Cantrell because he was very well liked and was worried that no one would believe her. She secretly kept a napkin that contained evidence and contacted the police. She is alleging several sexual assaults in the nursing home including the weight room, shower and her bedroom.

Cantrell initially denied any inappropriate behavior, saying he viewed the woman as a grandmother. He then agreed to a DNA test, which proved to match the DNA on the napkin. When Cantrell was asked how the DNA could match he admitted to sexual contact. But he claims that she asked him if he was attracted to older women and then initiated the sexual contact. Then he claimed that he was too embarrassed to tell the nursing home administration when it happened. An investigation is ongoing which will figure out who is telling the truth. Cantrell has been suspended from the nursing home pending the outcome of the investigation.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one has suffered sexual nursing home abuse, negligence, and inadequacy it’s time to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.

Elder Abuse Lawyers Educate on Financial Abuse

elder abuse lawyersTheft is a huge problem in this country. Unfortunately, as elder abuse lawyers, we see too many of our elderly, vulnerable adults being taken advantage of because they are seen an easy target. As a whole, the elderly community is more trusting. They grew up in an era where theft and deception was less common as it is today. Around five million elderly adults are victims of abuse each year and financial abuse specifically is costing them $3 billion annually. There are resources to help you prepare yourself and your loved ones against financial elder abuse.

What is Financial Elder Abuse?

According to eldercare.govFinancial exploitation happens when someone illegally or improperly uses your money or property for their own benefit. This type of exploitation can be committed by someone you know or a complete stranger.” This can include:

  • Taking money or property
  • Forging the elderly person’s signature
  • Getting the vulnerable adult to sign a deed, power of attorney or will through deception
  • Using their property without permission
  • Using their credit cards without permission
  • Promising care or security for money without intending on fulfilling promise
  • Gaining elder’s confidence to con them out of money or property
  • Telemarketing scams where predator calls elder and uses deception or false claims to get them to send money

The best way to avoid these scams is to be prepared. The first step is knowing what financial abuse is and who is likely to commit these crimes. We will be following this post with several more to educate you on this form of elder abuse and the best ways to prevent yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to those looking to take advantage of your trusting nature.

Elder Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or your loved one has suffered financial abuse, negligence, and inadequacy it’s time to contact elder abuse lawyers. The team at Messa & Associates is dedicated to earning justice and compensation for those injured or worse by negligence and abuse in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Call, toll-free, 1-800-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry. If you would like immediate assistance, click the CHAT LIVE icon to the right. A representative is present right now to answer your questions.