DePuy Hip Recall Attorneys Discuss Brief History of Hip Implants

As DePuy hip recall attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia, we have been posting topical information for potential DePuy hip recall patients interested in the “goings on” of how some 93,000 DePuy hip implants have been recalled. Today’s DePuy hip recall post discusses the history of not just DePuy hip implants, but hip implants in general. We’ll briefly trace the evolution of joint replacement surgery up and through the present day where we have many many different manufacturers (i.e, DePuy, Zimmer, Stryker, etc.) making artificial joint replacement parts for nearly every joint in the body.

Joint Replacements From 1960 to Present

Research shows that the first hip replacement surgery was performed in 1960. Back then, hip replacement surgery was considered somewhat controversial as many patients and doctors believed that a body’s own bones and joints could not be improved by using artificial implants. However, improvements in surgical techniques and advances in the medical technologies have dramatically improved over the last 50 years. Now, nearly all orthopaedic surgeons and patients acknowledge that total hip replacement surgery is a safe, effective, and common method to help patients with hip, knee, and other debilitating joint problems.

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers discuss brief history implantsIn fact, some hip replacement surgeons have argued that hip implant and joint replacement surgery is one of the most important surgical advances over the last century. Because of its popularity, and potential profitability, hip manufacturers such as DePuy, Johnson & Johnson, Zimmer, and others have been competing to capture this potentially lucrative market. Unfortunately, as has been suggested with DePuy, sometimes manufacturers are in such a rush to roll out a “new and improved” implant device, they fail to properly test whether the hip, knee, or other joint implant is better than those that already existed on the market.

In addition, manufacturers such as DePuy have the economic incentive to prematurely push a product on the market to prevent its competitors from either putting an identical product on the market, or putting a product they claim to be better. Here, there are some studies that suggest DePuy’s chromium on cobalt design was not fully studied and perhaps rushed to market. As a result, the failure rate for the DePuy hip implants is much greater than its competitors. Now, DePuy has to recall nearly 93,000 defective hip implants that were placed in patients. These DePuy hip recall patients will likely require revision surgery and blood monitoring to determine whether or not the chromium and cobalt metals are being leeched into their bloodstream.

DePuy Hip Recall Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Although 50 years of medical advances have gone into making hip replacement surgery a benefit to patients, we continue to urge these manufacturers to put safety over profitability when introducing the “new and improved” implant devices.

If you are the recipient of a defective DePuy hip implant, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.
Our team is a ready and willing to work as hard as needed to earn you the compensation you need and deserve.

DePuy Hip Recall Claims First Aussie Victim

As New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall attorneys, we have been providing DePuy hip recall patients with information regarding the worldwide recall of their ASR XL hip replacement system. As you know from recent posts, this litigation has been consolidated in Ohio under Judge Katz. Recently, it was announced that an Australian citizen has joined this class action here in the US.

First Australian DePuy Victim Joins Fight

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers aussie victim bob lugton Bob Lugton, of Brisbane, Australia, was declared the first “Aussie” to join the DePuy hip recall lawsuit. Mr. Lugton filed suit when his DePuy hip implant failed only 18 months after having been implanted. As stated in previous posts, DePuy and Johnson & Johnson claimed that their hip implant would last as long as 20 years, so Mr. Lugton was a very unhappy man after his brand new hip failed so quickly. Like most DePuy hip recall patients, Mr. Lugton was also found to have cobalt and other metals leaking into his body from the wear and tear of his hardware. When asked why he joined the DePuy hip recall lawsuit, Mr. Lugton reportedly stated, “This is not for financial reasons”, but to let other people know of the devastating effects of toxic cobalt and chromium levels on his health and welfare.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

As New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyers, we welcome Mr. Lugton to this legal battle over DePuy’s failed hip implant. Unfortunately, there are over 93,000 other “Mr. Lugtons” worldwide who are part of this hip recall and who are also entitled to compensation for DePuy’s defective hip implant.

If you or a loved one are one of the 93,000 patients who received defective implants, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. Let the DePuy hip recall attorneys at the Mininno Law Office earn you the compensation you need a deserve.

Should DePuy Defective Hip Recall Make all Hip Implant patients Think Twice?

As DePuy hip recall lawyers, we have been posting daily about the hip recall litigation and other matters that may be of interest to any DePuy hip recall patient. Since this past August, many patients who are considering hip implant surgery have been wondering whether it is time to stop and think about the future of hip implant surgery. After all, any replacement procedure, whether replacing a hip, shoulder, or knee with an implant, involves replacing the body’s natural bone and tissue with man made metals and ceramics. Here, DePuy used chromium and cobalt in its ASR hip replacement system. For the 93,000 implant recipients, the recall was very bad news and is making all potential joint replacement patients reconsider their medical options.

Good Future for Joint Replacement Surgeries

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers patients think thiceFortunately, the medical future involving artificial joint replacement looks bright. Notwithstanding the failure of the DePuy hip implant, scientists, metallurgists, and researchers are constantly searching for better options for joint replacement patients. Unfortunately, companies like DePuy Orthopaedics and Johnson & Johnson have a financial incentive to be the first manufacturer to get their products on the market. As such, it must be questioned whether this profit motive causes manufacturers to put medical devices on the market before conducting long term studies about the product. In the case of DePuy, it appears that there were no long term studies regarding the wear and tear of the implant before the product was released into the market. Perhaps DePuy and Johnson & Johnson hoped that the chromium and cobalt metal parts in the hip implant would not pose a problem to potential patients.

Sadly, after 93,000 patients received the replacement, it turns out that DePuy’s hopes didn’t pan out. Now, these patients will be forced to undergo another surgery to remove the defective implant and replace it with yet another hip implant. Fortunately, as technologies improve and manufacturers see the downside of prematurely placing products on the market, there will be less and less complications involving joint replacement surgery in the future.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one recently underwent hip replacement surgery and you’ve discovered that your implant was manufactured by DePuy, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. We are prepared to provide with appropriate assistance and lead you in the right direction regarding your claim against DePuy. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

DePuy Hip Recall Design Flaw Still A Mystery

This DePuy Hip Recall article is one in a series of posts designed to provide DePuy hip implant patients with information regarding the hip implant recall.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Answer Questions

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall attorneys defective design flawsOne of the questions patients have asked is, “What is the defect that is causing these implants to fail?” Not surprisingly, DePuy Orthopaedics is not telling its DePuy hip implant patients anything of substance regarding why these DePuy hip implants are failing and why they have issued this hip recall. But, DePuy won’t be able to keep its secrets for long. Ultimately, because of the lawsuits, DePuy representatives will have to testify, under oath, about the hip recall. Then, DePuy hip implant patients will finally learn the truth.

Also, DePuy hip recall lawyers will hire experts on behalf of the hip recall patients who will get a chance to look at DePuy’s engineering data and specification to determine what is causing the defect that has so dramatically affected so many hip recall patients. Until then, both DePuy hip recall lawyers and hip patients can only speculate about the true nature of the hip implant defect.

What is known is that the pain and symptoms associated with the DePuy hip implant system involve the loosening of the cup, unusual wear and tear in the hip joint, and the shedding of metal debris into the surrounding tissues causing osteolysis. Ultimately, as the litigation progresses, New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy Hip Recall lawyers will get more information about why this defect occurred and how it will affect the entire 93,000 DePuy hip implant patients.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you have received a defective DePuy hip implant and are not sure about your next step, you should seek out the assistance of a DePuy hip recall lawyer. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the team at the Mininno Law Office earn you the compensation you need and deserve.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Lists 4 Things Patients Should Know

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall attorneys things you should knowIf you are a victim of the DePuy hip recall, there are few things you should know:

1. Not all DePuy hip implants are being recalled.

As a New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyer, I get many telephone calls and emails from patients who have had hip replacements. As we posted on December 2, 2010, only certain DePuy hip implants are subject to the recall. Please click on the next link to read whether or not your hip implant is part of the DePuy hip recall.

2. Your implant will need to be replaced whether or not you are having symptoms.

We are often asked, “Do I need to have my DePuy hip implant replaced if I’m not experiencing symptoms?” Yes. Because of the unusually high wear and tear, and because of the metallic shed rate in DePuy implants, medical research has predicted that nearly all of the DePuy hip implants will fail within ten years of use whether or not you are experiencing symptoms. See our November 18th post for more information about the ASR replacements.

3. Do not feel obligated to speak with DePuy Orthopaedics or Johnson & Johnson representatives or claims adjusters.

We are strongly encouraging any patient to contact a lawyer to represent them. As we posted previously, DePuy is not offering fair compensation and is passing on the cost of its defect on to patients and their insurance carriers. These claims adjusters on behalf of DePuy are not looking out for your best interests and you may lose your rights by dealing with them: click to read about Johnson & Johnson tactics.

4. Patients should insist on blood tests to determine if their hip implant is releasing metals into their blood system.

We are often told that “DePuy hip replacement patients’ x-rays look fine,” and therefore will likely not need surgery. Medical research shows that x-rays are the least effective way to determine if your hip implant is failing. You should insist on blood tests that specifically identify the release of cobalt and chromium into your body. You should consult with an infectious disease doctor to see whether or not you are experiencing any signs or symptoms related to a depuy hip implant failure.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you are the recipient of a DePuy hip implant, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Why is DePuy’s Recall different from other Recalls?

What makes DePuy’s recall different than other recalls? Many people have questions regarding DePuy Orthopaedics’ August 2010 recall of the ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacement System. If you are not one of the 93,000 patients affected by the DePuy hip implant recall , you may ask, “what’s the big deal?

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Explain DePuy Recall

There are product recalls every day and rarely do these recalls spark lawsuits. But the DePuy recall is expected to result in thousands and thousands of lawsuits. What is the difference? The difference is that the recall is on a device that has already been fully implanted into 93,000 patients and medical research is showing that this implant can cause continual and future harm to those patients. Recalling a defective product such as a toaster, a child’s toy or even an automobile, is a much different circumstance. Unlike DePuy, those products can simply be recalled and the customer can get their money back.
However, with a defective hip, reimbursing the customer is simply not enough.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Want Full Compensation for their Clients

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers full fair compensationThe medical research is showing that these hip implants need to be removed much sooner than traditional hip implants. In addition, because these recalled hips are shedding chromium and cobalt metals into the bloodstream, research suggests that these patients will have significant inflammation and injuries to surrounding tissues and structures. Who knows what long-term damage this metal will have on these patients. Finally, these chromium and cobalt metals are circulating with the patient’s bloodstream. Again, who knows what damage these metals will have on a patient’s circulatory system, the heart or the brain.

That’s why this hip recall is a serious medical problem for DePuy and for the 93,000 patients who have a DePuy. These claims should not be taken lightly. That’s why, as a DePuy hip recall lawyer, we believe it is very important that any person who has had a DePuy hip implant that is the subject of the recall should immediately consult with an attorney to find out all of their rights. Prompt treatment and medical care is essential to avoid any other longer-term problems associated with the DePuy hip recall. And without the help of a DePuy hip recall lawyer, you will not receive the full and fair compensation you are entitled to.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one are the recipent of a defective DePuy hip implant, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. Our DePuy hip recall lawyers will work hard to fight for your right to full, fair, and necessary compensation.
You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the Mininno Law Office team earn you the compensation you need and deserve.

DePuy Hip Implants Release Toxic Metallic Debris Into Bloodstream

Recently, there has been a lot of news surrounding the recall of the DePuy Orthopaedics defective hip implant system. The product recall occurred after a medical study in Great Britain revealed that this hip implant had up to a 13% failure rate within the first five years of surgery.
And, as if early hip replacement failure and the necessity of additonal surgery wasn’t bad enough, the wear and tear from these defective hip implants is resulting in the flow of metallic debris throughout the bloodstream.

What are these metals?

depuy hip implant recall new jersey mininno law officeChromium and Cobalt. These metals are not found in your local vitamin store: Chromium is a chemical element found on the periodic table under atomic number 24. It is used to make stainless steel and all of the shiny parts called “chrome” on automobiles.
While it may look pretty on a “tricked out” automobile, when it circulates in the bloodstream, it has been associated with numerous health problems.

depuy hip implant recall nj and pa attorneys mininno law officeSimilarly, Cobalt is also a chemical element found on the periodic table under atomic number 27. Since ancient times, it has been used as a blue pigment to tint glass, jewelry, and furniture.
However, when it is released into your bloodstream as a result of wear and tear of a defective hip implant, it can also cause serious health problems. It is considered a carcinogen by healthcare professionals. It is definately not a substance that a patient wants circulating through his or her bloodstream.

In selecting these metals, especially with the knowledge of their potential side effects, DePuy Orthopaedics, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, was hoping to create a better hip implant. Instead, the research is starting to show that they have in fact created a defective product which not only results in pain, suffering, and additional surgery, but exposes patients to harmful chemical elements in the bloodstream.

Have a DePuy Implant? NJ and PA DePuy Recall Attorneys

If you have a DePuy Orthopaedics hip implant, you should be aware that these implants have been recalled. You should consult with your family doctor and orthopaedist to determine whether or not you have been exposed to chromium or cobalt metals, and whether you have any symptoms associated with these chemicals.
If you would like more information about the recall, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.