Nursing Home Neglect: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Today in the United States, there are more than one million elderly individuals living in nursing home establishments. Most families resort to nursing homes because their loved ones require moderate to extensive assistance with basic needs and medical care; care that they can no longer provide. The biggest problem in nursing homes, however, is neglect. These basic needs and medical care that should be provided consistently and in conjunction with a doctor’s orders are neglected, or not carried out correctly. Annually, there are over 20,000 complaints of nursing home neglect, which represents only a fraction of the total instances, as recent data shows that only 1 of 14 nursing home incidents is reported.

Be on the Look Out for Falls, Poor Nutrition, and Bed Sores

nursing home neglect in nj and paFalls: Residents of nursing homes, depending on their conditions, are usually very susceptible to falls. Falls can be very dangerous to an ailing elderly person. Broken hips and ribs and/or head injuries often result from nursing home falls. Residents who are more likely to fall are usually marked with bracelets, citing them as fall risks to the entire nursing home staff. If one of these patients is to fall, it is a clear sign of inadequate supervision or, even worse, no supervision at all. Severe injuries suffered from only a single fall could lead to paralysis or even death.

Poor Nutrition: Nursing homes are required to provide proper fluids and food to residents. When a patient becomes sick from malnutrition, it is most certainly because A.) the nursing home is not providing proper nutrition to the resident, or B.) the nursing home is not providing supplemental nourishment in the case of a resident refusing to eat. Nutrition is first and foremost in a list of needs for a patient, and malnourishment is an unacceptable form of nursing home neglect.

Bed Sores: Bedridden or wheelchair ridden patients are to be rotated every 2 hours to prevent the development of bedsores. Although bed sores are certainly treatable when caught early, neglect of a patient can lead to stage III and stage IV bedsores, which can be extremely painful and quickly fatal. When bed sores progress to levels three and four without proper treatment, it is evident that adequate medical attention is not being provided.

Nursing Home Neglect in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that a loved one, residing in a nursing home or long term care facility, is receiving negligent, abusive, or inadequate care, it is possible that you have some questions regarding nursing home neglect. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

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