Nursing Home Neglect: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Today in the United States, there are more than one million elderly individuals living in nursing home establishments. Most families resort to nursing homes because their loved ones require moderate to extensive assistance with basic needs and medical care; care that they can no longer provide. The biggest problem in nursing homes, however, is neglect. These basic needs and medical care that should be provided consistently and in conjunction with a doctor’s orders are neglected, or not carried out correctly. Annually, there are over 20,000 complaints of nursing home neglect, which represents only a fraction of the total instances, as recent data shows that only 1 of 14 nursing home incidents is reported.

Be on the Look Out for Falls, Poor Nutrition, and Bed Sores

nursing home neglect in nj and paFalls: Residents of nursing homes, depending on their conditions, are usually very susceptible to falls. Falls can be very dangerous to an ailing elderly person. Broken hips and ribs and/or head injuries often result from nursing home falls. Residents who are more likely to fall are usually marked with bracelets, citing them as fall risks to the entire nursing home staff. If one of these patients is to fall, it is a clear sign of inadequate supervision or, even worse, no supervision at all. Severe injuries suffered from only a single fall could lead to paralysis or even death.

Poor Nutrition: Nursing homes are required to provide proper fluids and food to residents. When a patient becomes sick from malnutrition, it is most certainly because A.) the nursing home is not providing proper nutrition to the resident, or B.) the nursing home is not providing supplemental nourishment in the case of a resident refusing to eat. Nutrition is first and foremost in a list of needs for a patient, and malnourishment is an unacceptable form of nursing home neglect.

Bed Sores: Bedridden or wheelchair ridden patients are to be rotated every 2 hours to prevent the development of bedsores. Although bed sores are certainly treatable when caught early, neglect of a patient can lead to stage III and stage IV bedsores, which can be extremely painful and quickly fatal. When bed sores progress to levels three and four without proper treatment, it is evident that adequate medical attention is not being provided.

Nursing Home Neglect in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that a loved one, residing in a nursing home or long term care facility, is receiving negligent, abusive, or inadequate care, it is possible that you have some questions regarding nursing home neglect. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Neglect: No Care for Elderly Man Following Fall

Augustana Health Care Center, in Hasting Minnesota, was recently cited for abuse, causing the home to take corrective measures and re-educate their current employees. The Minnesota Department of Health Facility Complaints office stated that the nursing home neglectoccurred when staff did not assess, monitor, and treat” a man shortly following a fall. The duty and urgency of these employees should have been even more clear because in the present case, the “signs and symptoms indicated a head injury“.

Man Passes Away Two Days Following Injury

new jersey philadelphia Nursing Home Neglect lawyers Augustana Health Care CenterA man fell at the health care center but did not receive proper treatment which led to his death. The report issued by the Department of Health Facility Complaints office stated that the man had a “large hematoma, approximately four centimeters by three centimeters, on his left forehead.” The man was not examined until thirty minutes after he sustained the injury and no vital signs or neurological tests were administered in the hours following the accident. Four hours after the fall, when the proper tests were finally conducted, the man’s vital signs were anything but stable and he was no longer responsive. He was then transferred to the hospital and died a mere two days after the initial accident. The death certificate stated that the death was caused by a massive intracranial hemorrhage. Nursing home neglect is far more prevalent than should be the case and it is essential that in the event of abuse or mistreatment, the proper authorities are notified as soon as possible.

Nursing Home Neglect in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that a loved one, residing in a nursing home or long term care facility, is receiving negligent, abusive, or inadequate care, it is possible that you have some questions regarding nursing home neglect. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Neglect Results in a Citation at Minnesota Facility

The Minnesota Department of Health has recently announced that a citation for nursing home neglect has been issued following the actions of employees at Lutheran Care Center in Little Falls, Minnesota. A female resident fell out of her wheelchair on multiple occasions in addition to falling out of a mechanical lift. The woman sustained injuries to her head, which she hit on two occasions during these three separate falls. This is surprisingly common across the country and it is essential that the proper authorities are made aware of these situations before it is too late.

Special Investigator Substantiates Claims of Nursing Home Neglect

new jersey philadelphia nursing home neglect lawyers citation minnesota lutheran care centerThe woman’s troubles began in early June, 2010. On June 8th, the resident fell two times causing significant injuries. First, she fell directly out of her wheelchair, causing her to knock her head against the ground. The woman sustained injuries just above her right eye. Later that same day, the resident fell once again out of her chair onto the floor of a lounge area at the care center. Employees should have been aware of the potential for falls because this woman suffered from advanced dementia and this should have been apparent to her caretakers. Less than one month later, on July 5th, an employee did not know how to use a Divided-leg Sling which was attached to a mechanical lift. This lack of understanding led to yet another fall. This led to the development of a significant sized bump on the back of her head. An investigator for the state was able to substantiate these claims of nursing home neglect when he visited the Lutheran Care Center in September of 2010. Nursing home neglect is a growing problem across the map and it is crucial that these problems be reported as soon as possible in an effort to sustain the health of patients and residents everywhere.

Nursing Home Neglect in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that a loved one, residing in a nursing home or long term care facility, is receiving negligent, abusive, or inadequate care, it is possible that you have some questions regarding nursing home neglect. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Neglect Case Calls for Trial

A case of nursing home neglect will not be settled through a plea bargain and will require the parties to go through a trial. Amanda Tibble, a former nursing assistant at John. M. Reed Nursing Home, is charged with five counts of willful abuse, neglect, and exploitation of an adult. It is argued that the Tennessee woman both verbally and physically assaulted patients at her former place of employment. Despite agreeing to plead guilty to four of the counts, the trial will still go on in late August.

Nursing Assistant Refuses to Accept Full Responsibility

nursing home neglect in nj and paIn return for reduced jail time, Tibble originally accepted a plea bargain. Following the entry of the plea, the woman would not confess to the exact details of what she was guilty of before Judge Robert Cupp. Since the nursing assistant refused to take responsibility, the judge denied the plea bargain and the case will need to be settled in court.

The victim’s family members were clearly outraged by these developments and disappointed that the legal process would not be coming to an end. The ninety year old victim, Anza Hall, was allegedly screamed at by the accused, who used inappropriate language. Tibble was arrested by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in 2010 due to various actions such as cursing at patients and twisting a seventy-five year old patient’s arm behind his back. Hall’s granddaughter, Carla Anderson was quoted as saying:

“If I was her I’d be embarrassed too to have to get up there and say what I did, but she knew that she was supposed to come in here and say what she did and she didn’t.”

Nursing Home Neglect in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that a loved one, residing in a nursing home or long term care facility, is receiving negligent, abusive, or inadequate care, it is possible that you have some questions regarding nursing home neglect. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Homes Not Elderly Adults Only Choice Today

Nursing home abuse has affected millions of people in the United States because, for such a long time, nursing homes were the only option a family had when their loved one’s physical state required additional help. However, according to census data, only 7.4% of elderly Americans are living in nursing homes, a number that has fallen from the 8.1% in 1990. Many elderly people and their families, especially those 85 years and older, are now turning not to traditional nursing homes, but instead to long term care assistance at home, in-home care, and other options. This is great for the families that can afford to maintain other types of care for their loved ones. But for the 1.8 million people that still live in nursing homes, care should be adequate, training should be provided, and abuse should be prevented.

Nursing Home Care Must Be Improved

The quality of care a patient receives should not depend on how much money they have to spend, but unfortunately, nowadays, that seems to be the case. If nursing home administrators and medical providers spent more of their efforts on improving the quality of care in nursing homes and less of their efforts on their bottom lines, other unneccessary costs would be non existent. Bedsore treatment or litigation costs can be astronomical, but providing adequate and focused care can avoid the need for such spending.
Click for more information on nursing home alternatives

Nursing Home Abuse Laywers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you feel that your loved ones have been a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. The nursing home abuse abuse lawyers at the Mininno Law Office are experienced and very skilled in earning victims of nursing home abuse the full and fair compensation that they need and deserve. Be sure to act promptly, as a statue of limitations could run out on your claim.

You may also call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey, or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia. Let the Mininno Law Office work to earn justice for you and your family.

Nursing Home Abuse – What Should You Do?

You have recently discovered that your loved has been victimized by nursing home abuse. You feel angry, shocked, confused, deceived. You entrusted an expensive facility to care for your family member because you no longer could, and now they are worse off than before. What should you do?

Nursing Home Abuse Attorney – Step 1

You must contact a nursing home abuse attorney. An attorney is going to review the facts of your case and tell you if there is enough there to file suit. If so, there are more steps you will have to take in order to present a valid case.

Nursing Home Abuse Records – Step 2

nursing home abuse attorneys new jersey philadlephiaAfter calling an attorney, the next step is often to obtain the medical records. It is often best for the family to initially request the medical records without the help of an attorney. This ensures less of a chance the nursing home would remove documents from the chart, or even re-write them. In order to request a resident’s medical records, you need to have authority to do so. What gives you that authority?

Nursing homes have the right to require a HIPAA authorization in exchange for producing the medical records. This authorization can be signed by the individual. However, often times in a nursing home setting, the resident is unable to make these decisions, and has arranged for one or more family members to act as power of attorney. When properly written, a power of attorney would give members of the resident’s family the right to sign the HIPAA authorization and request the records for themselves.

In the event that the resident were to die, the power of attorney would now have no legal force or effect. What should you do now?

Nursing Home Abuse Short Certificate – Step 3

In New Jersey, once an individual dies, the family must make an application for a “short certificate” to continue to represent the estate. The short certificate is a document that is created and provided by each county’s Surrogate’s office. Luckily, the employees at the Surrogate’s office are some of the most helpful State employees you will ever come across. Usually in one or two days, the family can obtain the short certificate. Just as a power of attorney gives the family the authority to execute the HIPAA authorization and to obtain the client’s records when they are alive, the short certificate gives them that ability when their loved one is deceased. Below is a link to the contact information for all 21 New Jersey county Surrogates.

Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys at the Mininno Law Office

Although this is a general road map as to how you would obtain records and to begin to investigate whether there is a claim for injuries against the nursing home, in the event that you feel you may have a viable lawsuit for injuries suffered by your family member, please do not hesitate to contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation.
You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the team at the Mininno Law Office earn you the compensation you deserve.

Healthcare Reform: Helping Our Senior Citizens

Healthcare reform is set up to do wonderful things for the long term care industry.
Healthcare reform has been a hot issue for years. It’s obvious that our healthcare system, nursing homes, and long term care facilities are in dire need of help, but figuring out exactly how to provide that help has proven difficult for lots of reasons. But on March 30th, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the final healthcare legislation approved by the senate, wrapping up his momentous effort to enact healthcare reform.
The Legislation was called “The Healthcare and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010.” The Act is going to change healthcare, and more importantly, nursing home and assisted living facility care, as we know it. Some changes will not be immediate, but change is coming.

What Do These “Changes” Mean?

Many families are wondering what those changes will mean for our senior citizens; especially for those who may need to enter a nursing home and/or long term care facility. At least one nursing home advocate has strongly supported this measure. That supporter is Cheryl Phillips, MD, president of the American Geriatrics Society. Ms. Phillips is excited about what healthcare reform means for our elderly citizens, saying:

All told, healthcare reform includes numerous, important provisions that will improve elder healthcare now and in the future, and support geriatrics careers. The AGS has long advocated for these provisions.

There is a substantial list of changes coming to nursing homes and long-term care facilities after the enactment of healthcare reform. Some of those changes include:

Long Term Care Insurance – Under the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act (CLASS), all Americans will be automatically enrolled in a long term care insurance program. This insurance can be used by seniors who need to be placed into an assisted living facility or a nursing home. Citizens will have the ability to opt out of the program. If they choose to stay enrolled in the program, citizens will start paying a premium immediately and will be able to benefit from the program after contributing for 5 years. The yield is expected to be about $50.00 a day.

• Patients will immediately begin receiving rebates for prescription drug costs that fall into the Medicare Part D gap. Overtime, the gap will be phased out entirely.

• Drug manufacturers will be forced to provide discounts on brand name drugs.

Nursing Home Transparency and Improvement Act – this nursing home and assisted living facility act will require that nursing homes provide consumers with plentiful and up-to-date information about the quality of care nursing homes provide. These standards will address the prevention of bed sores and pressure ulcers in nursing homes; address fall protection to prevent injuries from falls; and provide seniors in nursing homes with quality of life standards. This is a massive weapon in the fight against sub-par care standards in nursing homes and long term care facilities. The AARP has called this bill “one of the most significant nursing home reform initiatives in two decades.”

Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act – this will create a national system of background checks, to prevent nursing home employees with criminal backgrounds from working in the long term care setting. This Act is designed to protect nursing home abuse, physical assault and sexual assaults by staff members.

This is just a brief list of the many changes headed for nursing home and assisted living facility care. Advocates of nursing home care reform are thrilled by the imminent changes, looking forward to an increased quality of care and decreased instances of nursing home negligence and nursing home abuse. These healthcare changes will hopefully do wonderful things to prevent nursing home abuse so our senior citizens can get the care they deserve.

Has Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence Affected You?

If you or a loved one has suffered the effects of nursing home negligence or abuse, the attorneys at Mininno Law Office are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Are Nursing Homes the Safest Places for our Loved Ones?

Putting a loved one in a nursing home is the toughest decision a family can ever make.  We research on line, ask friends, nurses and visit the facility to make sure we are making the best decision.  We would like to believe that when we spend time picking out a nursing home for our relative or loved one to go stay and live in for the rest of their lives that they are going to be well taken care of and looked after by properly trained and staffed nursing homes. We also would like to believe that they will receive the proper attention and medical care whenever such care and attention is needed.  Unfortunately, many Nursing Homes put profits over patients.  No matter where you live, nursing home and elderly abuse are a real problem in any state including New Jersey.  It is important to understand the reasons for elderly abuse and nursing home abuse before we can begin to solve the problem. The following is list of some possible reasons for this type of abuse:

·         Not enough staff

 This may be due to not being able to pay people enough for the amount of work they do, or people left and went elsewhere to be closer to relatives, or the market for this type of work may be bad in some areas over other areas.


·         Under qualified employees

Reasons for this might be that the employees never went through school for proper training, never received proper on the job training or attended training classes.


·         Overworked employees

If there are not enough staff as mentioned before, the employees a nursing home does have may be working longer hours and may be tired, or even feeling ill when they come to work. This leads to employees not paying enough attention which can lead to abuse.


·         Stress and Frustration

If an employee is stressed or frustrated on how to help a certain patient, this may lead to improper care and abuse. Training classes should be provided for these situations.

Some common signs of elderly abuse may include:

·         Unexplained injuries or bruises

·         Not receiving the proper doges of medications

·         Cuts or welts

·         poor nutrition and dehydration

·         Unsanitary conditions

·        Infections

·        Sudden death 

  •  Bed sores and pressure ulcers 


Sadly, these problems occur every day in even the nicest nursing homes and living facilities. There are different types of abuse. These can be physical, emotional, neglect, abandonment, emotional, or even financial. By putting profits over patient care, nursing home make millions for their investors while providing inadequate care.

The number of people suffering from elder abuse was 2.5 million in 1991, according to some studies from the National Center on Elder Abuse and this number will keep rising unless people become more aware of the problem and how to fix it.


If you or someone you love, you believe may have be a victim of this type of abuse, please call: (856) 833-0600 or contact a nursing home attorney for help today. 


Do not be afraid to speak up and get the help you need for your loved ones; they deserve the best care possible and may be depending on you to help them fight for their rights.


For more information on nursing home abuse and what can be done visit:


Got to the New Jersey Nursing Home Directory for a list of deficieny reports on 361 Nursing Homes in New Jersey.


Another great resource is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site which lists Health Care tools and research.



What Every Citizen Should Know About the Nursing Home Industry: A background

Deciding whether to put a loved one into a nursing home is the one of the most difficult decisions we must all face. In today’s fast paced society, however, it has become increasingly difficult to care for the elderly at home. Even more daunting, is choosing the right nursing home. Indeed, making a decision on a facility is difficult; with more and more nursing homes going up every year, the number of available options seems endless, even in some of the more remote sections of the country. Although on the surface many nursing homes may appear to be the same, there are dramatic differences between nursing homes, and unfortunately, many shortcomings. In order to have a better understanding of how nursing homes can be so dramatically different in quality of care, and to help you choose which nursing home might be best for your loved ones, you should first have a basic understanding of how nursing homes function in the United States.

First and foremost, it is important to constantly be aware that more than 80% of nursing homes in the Unites States are for-profit, publicly traded, corporations. This is in direct contrast to hospitals in the Unites States, which 87% of are non-profit operations. So how does this affect you and your family? Simple. In any publicly traded corporation, the final goal will always be profit. The Profits must come first. This is not just common practice, it is written into law. By law a publically traded corporations the most important, if not the only, obligation is to increase the profits of their shareholders. This set up has helped drive industrial and technological advancements at a staggering pace. However when it is applied to the practice of nursing homes and long term care, a problem arises.

By nature, medicine and long term care are extremely expensive. The cost to run hospitals and long term care, and nursing homes can reach staggering figures. In fact, it is estimated that at least $180 billion is spent on critical care alone in the United States each year. Although cost cutting is always a simple and desirable way to boost profits in any corporation, the nature of health care and long-term care simply does not allow for it. When dealing with the lives of human beings, there are large and unavoidable costs connected to providing their patients with the care they need to stay healthy with an acceptable quality of life. Unfortunately, this does not stop these corporate nursing homes from doing whatever they can to minimize their spending.

This cost cutting rears its ugly head in many forms in corporate nursing homes. Most apparent however, is the effect it has on the staff. Many for-profit nursing homes are dramatically under staffed, many of whom do not have the proper training to manage their positions in the first place. Lack of training, oversight, and personnel immediately translates into health risks to the patient. This includes, but is not limited to: bed sores, falls, under and over medicating, mixing up patients’ medications, unacceptable poor hygiene, physical abuse by staff, and lack of response to emergency situations. Incidents such as this are a daily occurrence. Fortunately however, you have the power to choose where to place your loved ones, and when the worst happens, you have the legal power to do whatever you can to rectify the situation.

When the worst happens to a loved one in a nursing home, contact an attorney immediately. The status quo of dramatic cost cutting in the nursing home industry will not change until it is no longer profitable to continue cutting costs and quality of care. By bringing a suit against a nursing home or long term care facility, you are demanding they change their way of business by punishing them financially for their neglect. By contacting an attorney who specializes in nursing homes, you are doing your part to make sure what terrible things happened to your loved ones do not happen to someone else.

Contact a Nursing Home Attorney in PA
Contact a Nursing Home Attorney in NJ