Birth Defects Attorneys: Study Links Topiramate to Oral Birth Defects

While pregnant, women need to be especially careful about what foods and medications that they put into their bodies. Early in the first trimester, while many women are not even aware that they are pregnant, the baby is at a heightened risk for birth defects due to medications being ingested by their mother. Our birth defects attorneys have been writing for months about the drug Topamax and its connection to cleft lip and palate birth defects.

Mothers Taking Active Ingredient in Topamax Three Times More Likely to have Children with Birth Defects

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys topamax topiramate studiesA recent study called Comparative Safety of Topiramate During Pregnancy, performed by researchers from Harvard University, MassGeneral Hospital for Children, and Loyola University in Chicago, has come to the conclusion that topiramate increases chances of birth defects. According to the study, women who take the active ingredient in the medication Topamax during their first trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of their children being born with major oral birth defects. The study analyzed statistics of 6,456 pregnant women and “compared the frequency of adverse pregnancy outcomes for those who had used topiramate during their first trimester to a control group.” The results were that the children whose mothers took topiramate were almost three times more likely to be born with a birth defect, 3.8 %, than the mothers who did not, 1.3 %.

Birth Defects Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you are a pregnant and currently taking Topamax or any drug containing topiramate, speak with your doctor as soon as possible about other, safer options. If you are a parent who has recently given birth to a child who suffers from a birth defect that you believe can be attributed to a prescription drug, contact the Mininno Law Office to speak with birth defects lawyers and discuss your legal rights. You may also call for a free case evaluation and consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects Attorneys: Timetable to Follow Up With Doctors After Surgery

After a cleft lip/cleft palate surgery, it is important to listen to your doctor’s guidelines and follow up based on the doctor’s instructions. Just like you regularly would check in with your birth defects attorneys, it is very important to check up with the medical team at the appropriate intervals. Your child is likely going to be in some pain after the surgery, and he or she needs to be given the appropriate time to heal before follow-up work is done. As always, follow your doctor’s instructions for the safest and most optimal recovery.

Follow Up Visits

Once your child is discharged, there are typically two follow up dates that are required. The first visit should be at seven to ten days after surgery. The second appointment should usually be at about three weeks after the surgery. Finally, if there happens to be a wound breakdown, it is usually advisable to wait at least six months after surgery to attempt to close it. This is because blood supply needs to be reestablished to the tissues.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Many parents who have children born with a cleft lip or cleft palate are often overwhelmed and, in some instances, confused about their legal rights. They are especially confused about whether or not the services of birth defects attorneys would be needed. In some cases, there have been improper actions that may have led to your child’s birth defect and contacting birth defects attorneys is beneficial to your family’s physical and financial health. For example, the FDA has recently announced that Topamax (Topiramate), taken during pregnancy or during child-bearing years, has been linked to an increase in the development of cleft lips and cleft palates. We are able to assist parents dealing with these issues. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects Attorneys: Topamax Dangerous for Pregnant Women

In recent years, Topamax has been among industry leaders in treating epilepsy and migraine headaches. Although extremely popular, recent research has shown that this drug may cause birth defects, such as cleft lip and cleft palate, in young babies. Birth defects attorneys strongly urge women to avoid the use of Topamax during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, in an attempt to limit the risk of birth injuries.

Food and Drug Administration Acknowledges the Serious Dangers

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys topamax dangerous pregnant womenIn early March 2011, the FDA issued an alert regarding the dangerous risks of certain oral defects that may derive from the use of Topamax during pregnancy. Additional warning labels have also been added to the Topamax bottle. The Food and Drug Administration has also upgraded Topamax to a Class D pregnancy drug. The significance of this change is that as a Class D drug, Topamax can “potentially present significant and unnecessary harm to a human fetus“. Birth defects lawyers believe that cleft lip and cleft palate occur more frequently when a fetus is exposed to Topamax during gestation.

The Food and Drug Administration has said that Topamax should never be prescribed for women who are pregnant unless it is a life or death situation. Unless the situation is truly life threatening, or similar drugs have been deemed completely ineffective, women should avoid the use of Topamax. These findings came from numerous studies performed by the North American Anti-epileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry. Although Topamax has been popular and an industry leader for effectiveness, birth defect lawyers say pregnant women need to consider the vast risks to their baby before consuming the prescription drug.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was born with an oral malformation that you believe can be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, it is possible that you would like to speak with a birth defect lawyer. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects, Like a Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate, Can be Overwhelming

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys cleft lip palate topamax overwhelmingA cleft lip can lead to extreme alterations of one’s life and can be difficult to cope with. If your newborn baby has a cleft lip or cleft palate, you will be bombarded with information from medical professionals across varying fields. These professionals will provide you with an abundance of helpful information, however, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. You need not panic as there are many other parents –like yourself—who are going through the same situation. Birth defects, such as cleft lip/palate are not uncommon, and with proper medical attention they can be repaired with no further harm.

A Key to Overcoming Birth Defects is Finding Support

There are countless support groups for parents, family members, loved ones, and perhaps most importantly, the patient. As helpful as the doctors can be, there may be a time when you would like to speak to someone who has gone through the same situation and gain their insight. An outside but similar perspective will provide enormous support and help you rationalize your thoughts. One of the larger support groups can be found online at This website has hundreds of members, all suffering from birth defects, such as a cleft lip or palate. Members even include family of those with birth defects. Furthermore, this website allows anonymous posts and questions, allowing candid, honest questions to be asked. If you would prefer face to face interaction, you can find support groups in your home town. These support groups will provide you with a personal feeling of security.

As your newborn grows older, he or she will have questions about their birth defect and the answers will be difficult to provide. These support groups will provide an opportunity for your child to seek companions who have endured the struggles of school, bullying, communication, and social settings. You may not always have the answers or be able to rationalize your child’s struggles, but a support group will ensure that you are not alone.

Topamax and Cleft Lip/Palate Are Linked

Topamax is an anti-epileptic drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines. Recently, the FDA issued a warning regarding the use of Topamax during pregnancy. It seems that the drug has the potential to cause the formation of lip or palate clefts when taking during gestation. The FDA advises that doctors should not prescribe the drug to pregnant patients unless there is no other viable treatment option available.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was recently born with a birth defect that you believe can be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, it is possible that you have some questions. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects Like Cleft Lip/Palate Connected to Topamax Use

Topiramate, known by its prescription name of Topamax, hit the market as a prescription medication to treat epilepsy and certain types of seizures in September 2006. The drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2006 and has been a successful medication ranking near the top of the industry. Medical professionals were hopeful that Topamax would be extraordinarily beneficial to many people who suffered from seizures, but it is now apparent that it may lead to birth defects in babies when taken during pregnancy.

From Medical Advancement to Extreme Potential Harm

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys tomapax connection cleft lip palateTopamax was prescribed to millions of people who were excited about this “medical break through”. Unbeknownst to those taking the medication, Topamax has been found to increase the occurrence of birth defects in expectant mothers who take it. Five years after its release, in March 2011, the FDA forced Topamax to issue a warning about the correlation between their drug and birth defects. Five years of availability on the market means that countless expectant mothers have taken this pill, hoping to no longer suffer from epilepsy and seizures. The FDA’s website has confirmed that taking Topamax will increase fetal risk of birth defects, such as cleft lip or palate. The severity of this side effect must be taken into consideration when prescribing medication to expecting mothers. If you take Topamax and suspect that you could be pregnant, you should seek a medical professional to receive an expert opinion on the matter. There are alternative medications available that have not shown side effects of birth defects which are far safer to take during pregnancy.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was born with a birth defect and you believe it may be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, it is likely that you have some questions. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects: Consulting with a Doctor Regarding Potential Surgery

Topamax, a pharmaceutical drug used to treat migraines and epilepsy, has been shown to cause birth defects, like cleft lip or cleft palate, in children, which may call for surgery, when taken by mothers during pregnancy.

Surgery is often a last resort for many health professionals who would rather see a patient heal naturally. However, when necessary, surgery can be advantageous, as long as it is handled with great caution. The surgery for a cleft lip or palate is no exception when it comes to taking precautionary measures. After your consultation with your doctor, he/she may recommend surgery to repair your child’s birth defect.

Potential Side Effects of Cleft Lip Surgery

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys consulting doctor potential surgeryYour doctor will take your personal circumstance into deep consideration and will advise you of the great benefits that are possible from surgery, along with the potential risks and side effects. The advantages of surgery are obvious in helping the child’s dentition, oral health, and your child’s ability to lead a “normal” life. However, when making this important decision, you, as the parent, need to be aware of the potentially harmful effects.

Prior to surgery, some common side risks are bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, risks of anesthesia (a heavy drug that is used to reduce sensation and pain during the procedure), allergies, and damage to other, possibly more internal, structures. When a young child goes under anesthesia, he or she is susceptible to unwanted reactions. Furthermore, there are additional effects that can lead to a need for more surgeries. In some cases, after surgery, bones in the face do not continue to grow, meaning that the structure and growth of the face has been disrupted by the repair of the cleft lip, causing more facial damage. Also, the space between the lips and nose is a difficult one to duplicate for many surgeons. It is possible that the cleft lip repair may cause the face to look abnormal by having an unusual amount of space between the lip and nose. These negative effects do not necessarily always occur, but it is important to be aware of them before making this important decision. Your physician will know what is best for your child’s health.

Birth Defects Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was born with a birth defect that you believe can be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, you probably have some questions. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Topamax & Birth Defects: The Main Formations of Cleft Lip

Birth defects can occur following the birth of any child but certain activities and medications may lead to an increased risk. Topamax, a popular drug used in the treatment of migraines and epilepsy, has been shown to increase the risk of birth defects when taken by mothers during pregnancy. When Topamax is used while a woman is pregnant, research has shown that cleft lip and cleft palate are an increasingly likely result, which has led the Food and Drug Administration to upgrade their warning level.

Main Formations of Cleft Lip

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys main formations cleft lipWhen a cleft does not affect the mouth’s palate structure it is referred to as cleft lip. Cleft lips can occur on one or both sides of the lip which are generally referred to as unilateral or bilateral clefts. The first category of cleft lip is known as an incomplete cleft. An incomplete, or partial, cleft lip occurs at the top of the lip. The cleft appears as a small gap or indentation that does not reach the nose.

The second major category of cleft lip is known as a complete cleft. When the cleft begins at the top of the lip and continues up into the nose it is referred to as a complete cleft lip. The complete cleft lip is generally more pronounced and a more serious version of cleft lip. Cleft lip occurs with there is a failure of the maxillary and medial nasal processes to fuse.

Birth Defects Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was recently born with a birth defect, such as cleft lip or cleft palate, and you believe that it may be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy, it is possible that you have questions. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects May Lead to Significant Psychosocial Problems

When dealing with the extensive symptoms of migraine headaches, people are often in search of an effective remedy to quickly relieve pain. Topamax has served as this type of solution for many people and data has shown it has worked extremely well. Although Topamax is among the industry leaders of migraine and epilepsy medications, pregnant women should steer clear. Topamax use during pregnancy could lead to birth defects, such as cleft lip and cleft palate. Beyond this obvious physical oral malformation, children with birth defects may experience social issues for years to come.

Social Issues are more likely with Birth Defects

new jersey philadlephia Birth Defects attorneys Psychosocial ProblemsPsychosocial problems are not a definite side effect of birth defects and generally, when children have their cleft lip operated upon soon after birth they will have a strong recovery and a healthy social life. The risk in adolescents is far greater when they suffer from birth defects and this may lead to self-esteem, social, and behavioral issues. As children grow older, dealing with a cleft lip may lead to issues relating to self concept, relationships with their peers, and worries with their appearance. During the preschool years, ages three through five, children who have a cleft lip or cleft palate tend to be on par with peers without any oral malformations with regards to self-concept. As children grow older however, they may feel increased pressure and face more social issues. As children have increased interaction with other kids, children who have clefts tend to have more dissatisfaction with relationships with peers and have an increased level of social anxiety. With age, children will generally experience increased social anxiety and pressures with regards to their cleft. These visible deformities may yield a stigma and it is best to have birth defects treated as soon as possible in order to limit the social issues children face as they age.

Birth Defect Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was born with a birth defect that you believe can be attributed to your use of Topamax during pregnancy it is likely that you have some questions. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects Present Parents and Children with Obstacles

Birth defects, such as cleft lip, present many different obstacles for young children and their parents. Depending on the severity of the cleft, your child may have a wide range issues. Along with breathing, eating, and dental problems, communication is often affected. Communication is a vital part of daily living and when affected can cause frustration and distress for the individual. If your child has a cleft lip he or she should be seeing a speech language pathologist.

Babies Should Meet with Speech Professionals

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys cleft lip parents children obstaclesThis trained professional is a source of assistance and alternatives to every day needs. For instance, if your child has a cleft lip he or she will likely have difficulty producing plosives, which include “p”, “b”, “k”, “g”, “t”, and “d”. These plosives are formed by the sealing of the lips and releasing of pressure. Without a full seal of the lips, these words will be problematic in every day speech. A speech language pathologist will work one on one with your child and your family to help develop a stronger labial seal and alternatives to producing these sounds, in order to help your child efficiently communicate. Speech therapy will help your child work on articulation inaccuracies, plosive sounds, and audible speech.

Most insurance companies provide assistance with the financial aspect of therapy and are accessible in most areas of the United States. Your child’s therapy schedule and intervention plan will vary depending on the severity and condition of your child’s cleft lip. Speech therapy can help enhance your child’s language development and communication skills. Cleft lip surgery can help alter the structural abnormalities for your child, if speech therapy alone is not enough. Your physician and speech pathologist will know which option is best for your situation.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy. If your child was born with cleft lip it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Cleft Lip Birth Defects and Breastfeeding; What Mothers Should Know

Breastfeeding is the most common form of feeding a newborn baby. Breastfeeding provides a bond between a mother and newborn baby that cannot be formed with any other person. Many women choose this method of feeding in order to strengthen the relationship between her and her baby. If the newborn baby has a cleft lip birth defect, a mother may experience some difficulty in using breastfeeding as the only approach to nourishing her child. As such, there are several important suggestions to keep in mind when breastfeeding your baby.

Babies with Cleft Lip May Face Trouble

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys Cleft Lip important reminders breastfeeding babyA newborn baby with a cleft lip will have trouble sealing the lips and nasal cavity, preventing efficient sucking. The orbicularis oris, the muscle of the lips, has been affected due to the cleft lip , which prevents the muscles from properly functioning to provide a strong labial seal. If the cleft lip is specific to one area of the lip (i.e. the right or left side) it may help to breastfeed your baby at an angle towards the side of the lip without the malformation. By repositioning yourself, you can help your baby create a stronger labial seal, allowing him or her to suck more efficiently.

Depending on the severity of the cleft lip or cleft palate, your baby may have some nasal regurgitation. This means that during breastfeeding, your baby may have residual milk in the nasal cavity or dripping from the nose. It is important to be aware of this possibility and wipe away excess liquids in order to help the baby breathe.

Breastfeeding is a tedious and time consuming task for any child, and even more so for a baby with a cleft lip. Because of the structural differences, the baby may have more difficulty and thus require more time and assistance during feeding. If breastfeeding is your desired method of nourishment, it is vital to remain patient, take your baby’s individual situation into consideration, and employ the use of other techniques from time to time. Mothers should also consult their doctor for specific questions regarding their babies’ health.

Birth Defects Lawyers in NJ and PA – Cleft Lip and Topamax

Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy. If your child was born with a cleft lip, it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 0833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.