Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Disgusted by Maggot Infestations

A state advocacy group in Michigan is calling for increased oversight of state nursing homes, citing as their motive the growing instances of extreme nursing home abuse. One specific case mentioned a nursing home in Washtenaw County, Michigan where maggots infested one patient’s throat and another patient’s catheter. Clinical corporate staff members instructed the nurse who came upon the catheter infestation to document it as “debridement.” Debridement is a name for dead tissue, not maggots. The second maggot incident took place in an Oakland County care facility. Maggots obstructed the airway of a woman had been coughing. The maggots were discovered when the airway was being cleared.

Maggots Sign of Severe Neglect State Wide?

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers maggot infestationsThe group, a non-profit Michigan Protections and Advocacy Service, cited the maggot infestation cases as evidence of a severe problem concerning treatment in the state’s care facilities. Of course, a representative of the state agency that regulates nursing homes insisted to a Michigan radio DJ that these maggot infestations were isolated incidents and that they, in no way, reflect the treatment that the state’s care facilities provide. Mike Pemble of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs said, “I don’t think it’s fair to hold it up and say this is happening in all nursing homes.”

Rhonda Smith, communications specialist with the Michigan Protections and Advocacy Service, did not provided the name of the nursing home involved. A Michigan television station is reporting that the Whitehall Healthcare Center of Ann Arbor was the culprit.

The MPAS reported that the information regarding these horrid incidents of neglect was gathered from surveys performed by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. They are also preparing a report they they claim will highlight “numerous examples of abuse and neglect of individuals with disabilities in nursing homes throughout the state.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is a resident at a nursing home or long term care facility and you believe that the care they are receiving is negligent or inadequate, contact our professionals for a free case evaluation or consultation. Contact the Mininno Law Office by phone at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Caution on Nursing Home Cover Ups

Nursing homes and long-term care facilities are legally obligated to report incidents of nursing home abuse and neglect; however, they often go unreported or covered up. We strongly encourage that if you have a loved one in a nursing home, you visit often and pay close attention to any warning signs. It is then your responsibility to report these issues for their safety to the facility, the state or a nursing home abuse lawyer.

Nursing Home’s Explanation of Injuries Doesn’t Match Hospital Findings

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers caution cover upsA 70 year old woman who was a resident of the University Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Charlotte, North Carolina was rushed to the Carolinas Medical Center University on the morning of Sunday, August 29, 2011 with a broken pelvis and facial bruise. When the family asked the nursing home what caused the injuries, they told her that the elderly woman had fallen, but emergency room staff at the hospital said that the injuries were not consistent with a fall. This led the family to believe the woman had been assaulted. They alerted the Police and Department of Social Services, an entity that handles allegations of elder abuse, and both began an investigation into what really happened to the woman.

The University Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center only ranked one out of five stars by the state and has had some minor violations in the past. It is too early in the investigation to determine whether the resident was assaulted or actually did fall.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you have witnessed your loved one or any nursing home resident being abused, or you fear that the care they are receiving may be considered negligent or abusive, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sore Lawyers: Nutritious Diet Key to Recovery

Bed sore lawyers believe that patients who suffer from pressure ulcers need to meet with a dietitian as soon as possible. In association with a licensed dietitian, patients can determine the best diet for supporting healing and promoting recovery. Many elderly people who suffer from bed sores likely do not receive the proper nutrients daily. A malnourished individual who does not get a recommended daily diet lacks the capacity to synthesize protein in order to repair tissue.

Questionnaire and Examination Generally Assist in Prescribing an Adequate Diet

new jersey philadelphia bed sore lawyers Nutritious Diet Key RecoveryThrough a series of questions and a physical examination, a physician can get a better sense of the strength and nutrition an individual is receiving. After the test, if the doctor believes that a patient may be malnourished, tests should be run to monitor the serum albumin and lymphocyte counts. Dietary supplements and nutrients should be prescribed for a patient who is at risk for malnutrition. Possible supplements and nutrients can include Vitamins A, B, C, and E, arginine, glutamine, magnesium, selenium, manganese, and zinc, among others. If a patient is assigned to take these vitamins and minerals, it is imperative that a physician’s instructions are strictly followed. Bed sore lawyers believe that the strength of these minerals and vitamins can lead to severe issues regarding health if they are taken in improper dosages. They also believe that high protein diets increase the speed and effectiveness regarding pressure ulcers.

Everyone, regardless of age, should engage in healthy eating to ensure that they are receiving adequate vitamins. This sort of healthy lifestyle and diet is even more important in those who suffer from bed sores because it takes a healthy body to combat these ulcers and infection.

Bed Sore Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If a loved one has acquired a pressure ulcer while in a nursing home or has had negligent treatment of a bed sore or pressure ulcer, you may have questions for a bed sore lawyer. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, and (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bedsore Attorneys – Factors Leading to Increased Risk

Bedsore lawyers say that there are many factors that could lead to pressure sores and people need to be aware of these issues. Limited mobility is the number one factor that increases the risk of suffering from bedsores. When people are restricted to a wheelchair or bed, it is difficult for them to change positions easily. The sustained pressure on the skin and underlying tissue creates a great risk of bedsores.

Age, Weight Loss, and Lack of Sensory Perception Among other Important Factors

new jersey philadelphia Bedsore lawyers warn factors leading increased riskAs people age, their skin becomes thinner, less elastic, and much more fragile than their younger days. The skin will also seem to be much drier in people of increased age, making it difficult for skin to heal. It takes significantly longer for new skin cells to generate which is another reason that people who are older are more susceptible to skin damage.

People who have suffered from an illness for a long period of time tend to lose significant amounts of weight. With this weight loss, people will see their body’s muscle and fat begin to diminish. This leads to less cushioning between the bones and hard outer surfaces (such as a bed or wheelchair).

People who have lack sensory perception have difficulty feeling pain and discomfort. Since these people are not aware of their discomfort, they may not quickly recognize the development of skin damage and bedsores. This could lead to significant damage to the skin and the underlying tissue, as people do not realize the need to switch positions.

Bedsore Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one has acquired a bedsore while in a nursing home or has had negligent treatment of a bedsore or pressure ulcer, immediately seek further medical attention and contact a bedsore lawyer. Our professionals are dedicated to holding nursing homes responsible for negligent and careless treatment. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, and (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

New Jersey Nursing Home Exposé: Stratord Nursing & Convalescent Center

As nursing home abuse lawyers practicing in Philadelphia and New Jersey, it is important that we help educate readers on nursing home abuse and the safety of the local nursing homes. Today we want to share the importance of researching and reviewing nursing home inspections. The Department of Health and Senior Service’s Division of Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing” conduct routine inspections of New Jersey Nursing Homes. A review of these published reports can help identify care facilities with a pattern of abuse and neglect.

Stratford Nursing & Convalescent Center

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers Spotlight Abusive careToday, we are reporting on the Stratford Nursing & Convalescent Center located in Stratford, New Jersey. The latest published report shows all of the violations found during the routine inspections for the two year period between November 2008 and October 2010. The Stratford Nursing & Convalescent Center had 33 cited nursing home violations on the two combined inspection dates. The facility’s citations included safety code violations, life safety code standard violations, and others related to abuse and neglect. The level of violations were mainly rated as being pattern or widespread violations, with at least four considered to cause immediate jeopardy to the residents health or safety. Stratford’s ratings are a sure cause for concern, and it is quite clear that immediate corrective action needs to be taken. The facility’s noncompliance with one or more standards has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a patient or resident.

These reports are a very effective tool when evaluating which long term nursing home a loved one should be placed in. It is also important to review these reports periodically to make sure the facility is not showing signs of abuse or neglect. Facilities that show a widespread pattern of safety violations are often the same nursing homes with patients that develop malnutrition and bed sores, and receive other neglectful and abusive treatment.

Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is a resident of a nursing home that provides negligent, abusive, or sub-standard care, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856)833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. Do not let abusive treatment go unnoticed or unpunished.

Bedsore Prevention Tip #13: Educational Programs

As nursing home abuse attorneys, we have found that one of the most effective ways to prevent nursing home abuse and neglect is to be properly educated in the needs and care of your loved one. Each and every nursing home patient has unique needs which calls for the implementation of unique care plans. Nursing home patients that are susceptible to bed sores and pressure ulcers are in particular need of staff awareness and education. As we always state, “Prevention is always the best medicine when it comes to preventing nursing home abuse and neglect, such as bed sores and pressure ulcers.”

Tip #13: The Importance of Educational Programs for Staff and Families

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse attorneys educational programs prevent bedsoresOne way to prevent bed sores from forming is to have a staff that is properly educated. Educational programs about bed sore and pressure ulcer prevention should be made mandatory for all levels of health care providers. They should also be made available for patient families so that they can make sure nursing home staff members are giving their loved ones the care they need and deserve. Patients who have the appropriate mental capacity should also be given instructions so that they can be advocates for their own proper care.

The important information that we have posted on previously, such as proper nutrition, hydration, and the need for repositioning, should be taught, along with particularized patient needs. Many of the nursing home patients’ particular needs in terms of bed sore prevention can be discovered by a proper risk assessment. This risk assessment can then be used as a tool for re-evaluation on a periodic basis to ensure that the nursing home patient is not being neglected, and that all of their needs to prevent the contraction of bed sores and pressure ulcers are met. This proper staff and caregiver education can make the difference in whether a bed sore does or does not occur!

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Your loved ones deserve, just as anyone else does, proper care when placed in a nursing home or long term care facility. Families like yours pay top dollar for a medical staff to effectively and safely treat the family members that they can no longer care for themselves. It is unacceptable for a nursing home to allow it’s residents to suffer from bed sores or other dangerous conditions.

If your loved one is receiving sub-standard, negligent, or abusive care at a nursing home, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadlephia.

The team at the Mininno Law Office will work hard to earn you the compensation you need and deserve.

Tip #7 for Bedsore Prevention

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse attorneys hydration help avoid bedsoresThis nursing home abuse lawyer blog will post information regarding tip #7 for nursing home abuse and bedsore prevention. So far, we have had positive feedback from many nursing home patients and their families regarding these tips. We hope this nursing home abuse tip series has helped prevent bed sores or pressure ulcers in nursing home patients. As we always say, “Prevention is always the best medicine when it comes to preventing bed sores and pressure ulcers in nursing homes.”

Tip #7 for Preventing Bed Sores or Pressure Ulcers

The seventh tip that nursing home abuse lawyers offer as simple as it is important. Proper hydration can always help prevent bedsores and pressure ulcers for all nursing home patients. As people age, they tend to drink less fluids and become more susceptible to dehydration. This is especially true for nursing home patients who many times are dependent on nursing home staff to provide liquids. All nursing home staff members be properly trained to promote proper hydration for nursing home patients. Dehydration is a significant risk factor in developing pressure ulcers and bed sores.

Hydration: How Much and Why?

How much water should a nursing home patient drink each day? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer, as studies have shown different recommended amounts. However, these measures may help:

1. All nursing home patients should drink a glass of water with each meal and following each meal;
2. When a family member visits, they should get a glass of water for themselves and for their loved one and offer to share a “drink of water” together with the nursing home patient;
3. The nursing home staff should give all nursing home patients a glass of water first thing in the morning and the nursing home staff should encourage the nursing home patient to finish the glass before breakfast is served.

Hydration for a nursing home patient is a “team effort” by the nursing home staff and family. All family members should ensure that any nursing home patient has a printed schedule that identifies when the nursing home patient has last received water or some other fluid intake. Why? The greater the hydration the less likely the patient is to develop a bed sore or pressure ulcer. In addition, if a nursing home patient has already developed a pressure ulcer or bed sore, it is even more important to ensure proper hydration and fluid resuscitation in that patient. Why? Because, bed sore and pressure ulcer wound healing requires proper hydration to prevent the bed sore or pressure ulcer from getting worse. Nursing home abuse tip number 7 is very simple but effective. Families should insist that nursing home caretakers ensure that their loved one are receiving proper fluids so as to minimize the risk of pressure ulcers and bed sores.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one have acquired bedsores or pressure ulcers in a nursing home or care facility, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-06020 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. Let the nursing home abuse lawyers at the Mininno Law Office work to earn you full and fair compensation.

Nursing Homes Not Elderly Adults Only Choice Today

Nursing home abuse has affected millions of people in the United States because, for such a long time, nursing homes were the only option a family had when their loved one’s physical state required additional help. However, according to census data, only 7.4% of elderly Americans are living in nursing homes, a number that has fallen from the 8.1% in 1990. Many elderly people and their families, especially those 85 years and older, are now turning not to traditional nursing homes, but instead to long term care assistance at home, in-home care, and other options. This is great for the families that can afford to maintain other types of care for their loved ones. But for the 1.8 million people that still live in nursing homes, care should be adequate, training should be provided, and abuse should be prevented.

Nursing Home Care Must Be Improved

The quality of care a patient receives should not depend on how much money they have to spend, but unfortunately, nowadays, that seems to be the case. If nursing home administrators and medical providers spent more of their efforts on improving the quality of care in nursing homes and less of their efforts on their bottom lines, other unneccessary costs would be non existent. Bedsore treatment or litigation costs can be astronomical, but providing adequate and focused care can avoid the need for such spending.
Click for more information on nursing home alternatives

Nursing Home Abuse Laywers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you feel that your loved ones have been a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. The nursing home abuse abuse lawyers at the Mininno Law Office are experienced and very skilled in earning victims of nursing home abuse the full and fair compensation that they need and deserve. Be sure to act promptly, as a statue of limitations could run out on your claim.

You may also call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey, or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia. Let the Mininno Law Office work to earn justice for you and your family.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Offers More Bedsore Prevention Tips

As a New Jersey and Philadelphia nursing home abuse attorney, I have recently posted on many topics involving nursing home abuse, especially in the areas of the prevention of pressure ulcers and bedsores. In our last post, we provided you with Tip #1 for avoiding bedsores.
It is our hope that these nursing home abuse and bedsore prevention tips will help nursing home patients and their families prevent pressure ulcers and bedsores from developing in a nursing home setting.

Tip#2 for Preventing Bedsores

A second tip from nursing home abuse lawyers to assist in the prevention of bedsores or pressure ulcers is to make up your own bed sore or pressure risk assessment daily chart and place it in the nursing home patient’s room. This risk assessment chart can be little more than a 8 x 11 calendar page printed from the internet which includes the following:

  1. The date;
  2. A line to indicate whether or not a nursing home worker has performed a pressure ulcer or bedsore risk assessment of the patient;
  3. A line to indicate what bed sore or pressure ulcer Braden score (see our latest blog about the Braden Scale) has been given to the nursing home patient by the nursing home staff; and
  4. A line for the nursing home staff member’s initials.

As nursing home abuse lawyers, we think this simple chart will help prevent bedsore or pressure ulcers from ever developing (enlarge it by clicking on the next miniature):

Download it (Right Click – Save as)

Why Will A Chart Assist in the Prevention of Bedsores?

Because, by law, a nursing home is not required to perform a daily pressure ulcer or bedsore skin assessment. The law only requires a pressure ulcer or bedsore skin assessment upon admission and at regular intervals, or with a change in condition. This law is the bare minimum standard of care required of a nursing home to prevent bedsores and pressure ulcers.
However, as New Jersey and Philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers, we encourage nursing home patients and their family members to insist that nursing homes provide the best bed sore or pressure ulcer preventive care – not just minimal care. So, although it may seem odd to have your own home made bed sore or pressure ulcer risk assessment chart in your room, this is the best way to ensure that the nursing home staff is properly assessing you or your family member for bedsores or pressure ulcers.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Bedsores and pressure ulcers cause the deaths of many residents in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Bedsores are very susceptible to infection, and for those whose immune systems are already weak, those infections can become impossible to fight off. Bedsore prevention is certainly key to a high quality of life for a nursing home resident.
If you or a loved one have suffered nursing home abuse, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215)567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the team at the Mininno Law Office earn you the full and fair compensation you need and deserve.

Nursing Home Abuse – Stage IV Bedsores

This post is the fourth in a series of posts dealing with the most common form of nursing home abuse – the development of bedsores and pressure ulcers.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Explain Bedsores

In our previous three posts, we discussed the types of nursing abuse that can lead to a Stage I, Stage II, or Stage III bedsore or pressure ulcer. Hopefully, those posts were helpful to anyone who has a loved one currently residing in a nursing home or long term care facility.
As a New Jersey and Philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyer, I am typically called to investigate a case involving a bedsore in it’s most serious and life-threatening stage: Stage IV . Stage IV pressure ulcers and bedsores can lead to serious life threatening medical problems and wrongful death.

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has defined a Stage IV pressure ulcer as the following:

Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the wound bed. Often including undermining and tunneling.

In its further description, it indicates that a Stage IV pressure ulcer or bedsore varies in its depth based upon the anatomical location. Stage IV ulcers can extend into the muscles and/or supporting structures and can even cause bone infection.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Fight for Victims of Stage IV Bedsores

A Stage IV pressure ulcer is the most life-threatening type of pressure ulcer. new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers explain bedsores stage IVThese pressures ulcers and bedsores can be caused by nursing home abuse such as:

  • Improper turning and repositioning.
  • Improper skin assessments to check for pressure ulcers and bedsores.
  • Improper medical attention directed at pressure ulcers and bedsores.
  • Poor nutrition which contributes to bed sore progression.
  • Failure to immediately transfer any patient who has a Stage IV bedsore.

Residents suffering from these injuries are generally in grave danger. Bedsores of this degree are highly susceptible to infection, and that infection is often a cause of death for a patient with a stage IV bedsore.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

A bedsore that has progressed to stage IV is a sure sign of nursing home abuse and negligence. These wounds are life threatening and absolutely brought on by continued neglect. If your loved one is a resident in a nursing home, and is suffering from a bedsore at any stage, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. Our attorneys are exceptionally skilled in earning full and fair compensation for victims of nursing home abuse and negligence.
You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the team at the Mininno Law Office earn you the compensation you need and deserve.