DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Defend Orthopaedic Surgeons

As New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyers, we are frequently asked whether or not DePuy hip recall patients can trust their orthopaedic surgeons to give them honest, fair, and impartial advice regarding the recall. After all, this orthopaedic surgeon was the one who initially recommended the patient receive the DePuy product in the first place. However, while a small percentage of orthopaedic surgeons may have initially been offered financial incentives by DePuy and Johnson & Johnson to utilize the implant that has since been recalled, many surgeons likely chose the implant based on DePuy’s marketing of the benefits of its product. Also, while some orthopaedic surgeons may have accepted honorarium or speaking engagements money from the Johnson & Johnson subsidiary in the past, now that the implant has been recalled, it is unlikely that any orthopaedic surgeon would jeopardize his or her career by accepting further monetary compensation to promote a recalled product.

Seek a Second Opinion

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers defend orthopaedic surgeonsAs New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyers, we are telling our clients that they should give their own orthopaedic surgeon the benefit of the doubt and listen to what the surgeon has to say about their options. Of course, we are also recommending that all patients get a second, independent medical opinion from another orthopaedic surgeon regarding the nature and extent of their current condition, whether or not they have osteolysis, and whether the patient should obtain blood tests to determine the presence of metallic debris. This second opinion should also cover what type of implant will be utilized during the second surgery.

While all DePuy replacement recipients should follow their orthopaedic surgeon’s medical advice, most DePuy hip recall lawyers are recommending that any doctor that insists on using a DePuy implant be looked upon with skepticism. The bottom line: final choice of which hip implant (and which orthopaedic surgeon) always belongs to the patient.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you are the recipient of a defective DePuy hip implant, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. The defective product attorneys at the Mininno Law Office are prepared to earn you the full and fair compensation that you need and deserve. Don’t be fooled by DePuy insurance claims adjusters who claim to be on your side. Seek out an attorney to fight for your rights.

2 thoughts on “DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers Defend Orthopaedic Surgeons”

  1. I understand exactly what you are saying about the surgeons decisions to implant all these terrible asr and pinnacle hip devices into our bodies. But, as a victim of the DePuy Pinnacle metal-on-metal, I like to ask you if you would still trust your surgeon when his name pops up first on the official DePuy website when searching for a surgeon in your area? Sorry, I do not trust my surgeon anymore, especially after he blamed all you lawyers for being -quote- “after the money of the big company” (Johnson&Johnson/DePuy). And he also said that every person with a metal-on-metal will have high levels of metals in the blood stream. Well, he doesn’t have to live with always present violent pain, loss of safe job, benefits, and health insurance.
    And by the way, even in 2009 and 2010 DePuy paid multi-millions of dollars of illegal kickbacks to surgeons. And that after they just had paid 84 million dollars to the U.S. Attorney General in order to avoid criminal charges. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that their U.K. sales executive was sent to a 1-year prison term because he bribed the Greek Government with 7. some million dollars so they would buy DePuy hip replacement devices. Actually, that offense made DePuy ranked in the Top 5 of last years top corporate bribery in the entire world.
    All we victims want is justice, get some pain free time back for the remainder of living here on earth (I haven’t slept for more than 2 hours in a row since surgery in December of 2008).

    Juergen Schaberick
    Venice, Florida

  2. Juergen Schaberick – thanks for your comments and your follow up email. We will be posting a blog to recognize your contribution to this debate. We will also continue to follow your web site and blogs on this topic. We look forward to your future comments. Of course, we also wish you all the best in your medical recovery and hope you are able to find the relief you seek.


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