Shoulder Dystocia: Preventing Delivery Room Negligence

new jersey philadelphia birth Injury attorneys Shoulder DystociaShoulder dystocia is a complication that occurs during vaginal delivery. It happens when the baby’s head has been delivered, but the anterior shoulder is now stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone. This makes it difficult for the baby to naturally proceed out of the birthing canal without some help from the obstetrician.

Approximately 20% of babies that have shoulder dystocia at birth will suffer some sort of birth injury. This birth injury can be either temporary or permanent. The most common birth injuries that occur are damage to the brachial plexus nerves, as well as injuries including breaks of clavicles, humerus bones, and other contusions and lacerations. Birth asphyxia is also a birth injury that can occur and can cause permanent neurological disabilities.

Can Shoulder Dystocia Be Avoided?

The best way to prevent these complications is to prevent shoulder dystocia from occurring. This is where the obstetrician comes into play. Although, this can’t always be prevented, a knowledgeable obstetrician may be able to determine, due to the baby’s size, position and other factors, that shoulder dystocia is a possibility. If so, other delivery options may need to be discussed. Being prepared in the case of shoulder dystocia is extremely important. If a baby is injured due to the negligence of the physician, then the physician should be held liable for any injuries that occur.

Birth Injury Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

As birth injury attorneys in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, we will help families that have been affected by birth injuries. If your child was injured at birth, and you now have questions concerning your legal rights, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may call (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia for a free consultation.
Let the experienced medical malpractice and birth injury attorneys answer any questions you may have.

Birth Defects Present Parents and Children with Obstacles

Birth defects, such as cleft lip, present many different obstacles for young children and their parents. Depending on the severity of the cleft, your child may have a wide range issues. Along with breathing, eating, and dental problems, communication is often affected. Communication is a vital part of daily living and when affected can cause frustration and distress for the individual. If your child has a cleft lip he or she should be seeing a speech language pathologist.

Babies Should Meet with Speech Professionals

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys cleft lip parents children obstaclesThis trained professional is a source of assistance and alternatives to every day needs. For instance, if your child has a cleft lip he or she will likely have difficulty producing plosives, which include “p”, “b”, “k”, “g”, “t”, and “d”. These plosives are formed by the sealing of the lips and releasing of pressure. Without a full seal of the lips, these words will be problematic in every day speech. A speech language pathologist will work one on one with your child and your family to help develop a stronger labial seal and alternatives to producing these sounds, in order to help your child efficiently communicate. Speech therapy will help your child work on articulation inaccuracies, plosive sounds, and audible speech.

Most insurance companies provide assistance with the financial aspect of therapy and are accessible in most areas of the United States. Your child’s therapy schedule and intervention plan will vary depending on the severity and condition of your child’s cleft lip. Speech therapy can help enhance your child’s language development and communication skills. Cleft lip surgery can help alter the structural abnormalities for your child, if speech therapy alone is not enough. Your physician and speech pathologist will know which option is best for your situation.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy. If your child was born with cleft lip it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Cleft Lip Birth Defects and Breastfeeding; What Mothers Should Know

Breastfeeding is the most common form of feeding a newborn baby. Breastfeeding provides a bond between a mother and newborn baby that cannot be formed with any other person. Many women choose this method of feeding in order to strengthen the relationship between her and her baby. If the newborn baby has a cleft lip birth defect, a mother may experience some difficulty in using breastfeeding as the only approach to nourishing her child. As such, there are several important suggestions to keep in mind when breastfeeding your baby.

Babies with Cleft Lip May Face Trouble

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys Cleft Lip important reminders breastfeeding babyA newborn baby with a cleft lip will have trouble sealing the lips and nasal cavity, preventing efficient sucking. The orbicularis oris, the muscle of the lips, has been affected due to the cleft lip , which prevents the muscles from properly functioning to provide a strong labial seal. If the cleft lip is specific to one area of the lip (i.e. the right or left side) it may help to breastfeed your baby at an angle towards the side of the lip without the malformation. By repositioning yourself, you can help your baby create a stronger labial seal, allowing him or her to suck more efficiently.

Depending on the severity of the cleft lip or cleft palate, your baby may have some nasal regurgitation. This means that during breastfeeding, your baby may have residual milk in the nasal cavity or dripping from the nose. It is important to be aware of this possibility and wipe away excess liquids in order to help the baby breathe.

Breastfeeding is a tedious and time consuming task for any child, and even more so for a baby with a cleft lip. Because of the structural differences, the baby may have more difficulty and thus require more time and assistance during feeding. If breastfeeding is your desired method of nourishment, it is vital to remain patient, take your baby’s individual situation into consideration, and employ the use of other techniques from time to time. Mothers should also consult their doctor for specific questions regarding their babies’ health.

Birth Defects Lawyers in NJ and PA – Cleft Lip and Topamax

Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy. If your child was born with a cleft lip, it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 0833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Birth Defects Lawyers Win Large verdict for Delivery Room Negligence

A $2.3 million dollar verdict for a birth injury case was awarded to a Virginia attorney and his client. In 2006, the negligence of a midwife hired by a woman’s obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) caused permanent nerve damage to her baby boy’s arm. The attorney for the boy showed that the negligence that occurred during delivery occurred during the birth due to shoulder dystocia.

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects Attorneys negligence Shoulder DystociaShoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s shoulder gets stuck behind a mother’s pubic bone. In order to avoid injury, certain changes must be made during delivery. Birth injuries arising from the improper delivery of a baby with shoulder dystocia can be permanent. In the case of the Virginia boy, it was shown that the nerve damage caused him permanent disablement of his right arm. He may need assistance for simple tasks for the rest of life, and may not be able to do many of the typical activities of childhood due to the birth injury he received.

The verdict the attorney gained for the boy will help him receive the special assistance and training he needs due to the negligent birth injury he received at birth. The jury also awarded an additional $60,000 to reimburse medical expenses that the mother as acquired. Such birth injuries can be compared to injuries caused by auto accidents, they cause life changing challenges for the baby, just as he or she is entering into the world.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your child was injured at birth and you now have questions regarding your legal rights, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. Let the experienced medical malpractice and birth injury attorneys answer any questions you may have.

Birth Defects: Benefits of Bottle Feeding

Because of the tediousness and patience required for breastfeeding for all mothers, not just those whose baby has a cleft lip, many mothers choose alternative means of feeding, such as bottle feeding. If your baby has a birth defects, such as cleft lip or cleft palate, he or she has structural abnormalities that may inhibit his or her feeding abilities. For instance, your child may have difficulty sucking on the bottle, and therefore trouble receiving the milk from the bottle. There are several bottles on the market that are aimed specifically towards children with a cleft lip. These bottles have a soft top, making it more accessible to your baby: your speech language pathologist can recommend the best brands and bottles for your individual baby.

Babies with Birth Defects may Have Trouble

new jersey philadelphia Birth Defects attorneys benefits bottle feedingSuckles is a part of the pediatric swallowing process. It is different from swallowing in that it occurs from 8 months of gestation up until 6 months after birth. Suckling also differs from sucking in the tongue and jaw movement. The jaw is stable and the tongue moves back and forth. This works in young babies because of the developmental stage of their laryngeal structures. With a cleft lip, your baby may have difficulty with tongue movement and minor problems with suckling. If suckling is a problem for your baby it is wise to develop a pattern of squeezing the bottle to help the baby adapt for a pattern of suckling. This pattern will help your baby adjust to the proper movements to help obtain the milk.

It is extremely important to maintain your baby’s weight and nutrition. Despite the structural differences, your baby should still develop eating habits (such as receiving solids at 6 months) and should retain a healthy wait. If at any point you have difficulty with feeding you should contact your physician for alternative methods.
Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey & Philadelphia

If your child was born with cleft lip it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 0833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Cleft Lip: The Importance of Feeding Habits

As with any newborn, feeding habits are extremely important to keep your baby healthy. Diets must contain nutritional value and more importantly, feeding routines need to be safe and dependable. Depending on the feeding style you select, your newborn baby with a cleft lip may have significant challenges. For instance, mothers who choose to breastfeed will have considerable difficulty for a newborn with a cleft lip. The structure of the lip alters the baby’s ability to partake in suckling and sucking, both of which occur in early stages (from 6 months of gestation until 8 months after birth). These difficulties must be noted in order to prevent your baby from choking or aspiration.

Feeding Styles May Differ from Mother to Mother

new jersey philadelphia birth defects attorneys topamax Cleft Lip feeding habitsYoung babies with a cleft lip are often able to receive nutrition through bottle feeding. It is important to keep an eye on your individual child’s particular eating capabilities. For instance, newborn babies with a cleft lip may need more time to eat because of sucking difficulty due to the lack of closure between the lips and nasal cavity. Babies also may need to be bottle fed rather than breastfed because of these closure issues. Liquids, like milk from a bottle, may leak through the nasal cavity. The specific method chosen for your baby depends on your own child’s cleft lip condition. It is important to contact your physician regarding precise techniques that are most beneficial to your baby.

Topamax, the popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat epilepsy and migraines, has been shown to cause cleft lip and cleft palate in children when taken by women during pregnancy.

Birth Defects Attorneys in New Jersey & Philadelphia

If your child was born with cleft lip it is likely that you have some questions regarding your use of Topamax. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.