Nursing Home Abuse at Chicago Facility: Alden Village North

A month ago, the Chicago Tribune online published a story about Alden Village North nursing home, a long term care facility meant to house disabled children, adults, and senior citizens. The story revolved around 5 additional deaths that an investigation into the home was able to attribute to poor care and nursing home abuse.

Investigators Seek to Close Negligent Nursing Home

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse lawyers negligence discovered chicago facilityThe federally backed watchdog that performed the investigations, Equip for Equality, found the care provisions at Alden Village North deplorable. Illnesses were never treated properly, lab tests and results went ignored, doctors failed to return pages of medical charts, and investigations into resident deaths were superficial and incomplete.

The Chicago based advocacy group, Equip for Equality, was awarded the right to investigate the home because it is part of a larger, nation-wide network, granted powers by Congress to protect the rights of the disabled.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

Nursing home abuse is a widespread and troublesome trend in today’s long term care facility industry. We depend on these homes to provide attentive and proper care to our loved ones, and instead, in some cases, they end up facilitating death. If your loved one is a resident in some sort of care facility and you are worried that the care they are receiving is negligent, abusive, or inadequate, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the nursing home abuse attorneys at the Mininno Law Office advocate for the rights of your loved ones.