Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Advocate for Bedsore Victims

new jersey philadelphia nursing home attorneys advocate for bedsore victimsAs a New Jersey and Philadelphia nursing home abuse attorney who represents clients with bedsores and pressure ulcers, I always advocate that patients and family members should be their own patient advocate. Certainly, if there is a nurse or another family member with medical training, those persons would be the most qualified to keep tabs on the nursing home, monitor for any nursing home abuse, and, if a pressure ulcer or bedsore develops, bring their medical expertise to insist that the nursing home or assisted living facility takes proper medical steps to treat the bedsore or pressure ulcer.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Say “PUSH”

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has developed what is known as the Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (“PUSH”) tool, which they describe as a quick and reliable tool to monitor the change in pressure ulcer status over time. This pressure ulcer or bed sore tool can be found at the NPUAP website. This web site provides user-friendly information and instructions for how to use the PUSH tool to monitor the status of a pressure ulcer or a bedsore over time. Plus, the PUSH tool could be an invaluable resource in helping a New Jersey or Philadelphia nurse home abuse lawyer prove a case of nursing home abuse.

Rarely, if ever, will a nursing home abuse incident be documented in a medical chart. Frequently, by the time a pressure ulcer or a bedsore is documented in the medical chart, it has developed beyond a Stage 1 pressure ulcer or bedsore. Many nursing home patients are not informed of a Stage 2 pressure ulcer or a Stage 3 bedsore or pressure ulcer until it is too late. Why? Because nursing home facilities are typically minimally staffed, with low paid and inexperienced caregivers. That’s why families that have the PUSH tool available to them will be best positioned to help themselves or their loved ones document and recover from a bedsore caused by nursing home abuse.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse and neglect, you need to seek the counsel of a nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible. The NJ and PA nursing home abuse lawyers at our firm can offer you advice on what you should do in regards to the injuries your loved one sustained at their nursing home or long term care facility. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in NJ, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the Mininno Law Office team earn you the compensation you deserve!