Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Advocate for Bedsore Victims

new jersey philadelphia nursing home attorneys advocate for bedsore victimsAs a New Jersey and Philadelphia nursing home abuse attorney who represents clients with bedsores and pressure ulcers, I always advocate that patients and family members should be their own patient advocate. Certainly, if there is a nurse or another family member with medical training, those persons would be the most qualified to keep tabs on the nursing home, monitor for any nursing home abuse, and, if a pressure ulcer or bedsore develops, bring their medical expertise to insist that the nursing home or assisted living facility takes proper medical steps to treat the bedsore or pressure ulcer.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Say “PUSH”

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has developed what is known as the Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (“PUSH”) tool, which they describe as a quick and reliable tool to monitor the change in pressure ulcer status over time. This pressure ulcer or bed sore tool can be found at the NPUAP website. This web site provides user-friendly information and instructions for how to use the PUSH tool to monitor the status of a pressure ulcer or a bedsore over time. Plus, the PUSH tool could be an invaluable resource in helping a New Jersey or Philadelphia nurse home abuse lawyer prove a case of nursing home abuse.

Rarely, if ever, will a nursing home abuse incident be documented in a medical chart. Frequently, by the time a pressure ulcer or a bedsore is documented in the medical chart, it has developed beyond a Stage 1 pressure ulcer or bedsore. Many nursing home patients are not informed of a Stage 2 pressure ulcer or a Stage 3 bedsore or pressure ulcer until it is too late. Why? Because nursing home facilities are typically minimally staffed, with low paid and inexperienced caregivers. That’s why families that have the PUSH tool available to them will be best positioned to help themselves or their loved ones document and recover from a bedsore caused by nursing home abuse.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse and neglect, you need to seek the counsel of a nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible. The NJ and PA nursing home abuse lawyers at our firm can offer you advice on what you should do in regards to the injuries your loved one sustained at their nursing home or long term care facility. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in NJ, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the Mininno Law Office team earn you the compensation you deserve!

How is elderly fall risk connected to chronic pain? We have the answer

Yesterday, I talked about how to keep elders safe. I mentioned how a slip and fall might not do much to you or me, but it could severely injure an older person. Today, let’s discuss elderly fall risk.

People fall all their life. As kids, we fall during play and other activities — kids love it. A child’s human body is flexible and bones rarely break even from the worst falls. Unfortunately, as people get older, their bodies become more fragile. When a middle age person falls, their bodies hurt for days and weeks. But, again, usually the bones don’t break.

However, when an elderly person falls there is a risk of catastrophic injuries because the aging human body becomes much more fragile. Up until recently, the correlation between aging and the severity of injury resulting from falls has been well known. However, a recent study has shown that there is another factor that also increases the likelihood of a severe injury when an elderly person falls. That factor is chronic pain.

What contributes to elderly fall risk?

There are many factors to consider. For example, studies show that increasing age, poor health and medication use all increase the risk of fall to elderly person. But, it was not until recently that researchers “stumbled” upon chronic pain as another factor. In an article in an issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers examined 749 patients age 70 and older for more than two years. The study results show that chronic pain increases elderly fall risk by 1.5-fold. In other words, those who suffer from chronic pain are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from a fall.

What can I do to prevent elderly fall risk in my relatives?

Pay close attention to your loved ones. That’s probably the single most important thing you can do. Make sure your parents and grandparents live in a safe environment with sturdy stairwells, handrails, ramps and well-kept floors. If your loved one is in a nursing home, that’s one thing to look for. If someone should fall, even if it doesn’t seem serious, call a doctor and have it checked out. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

If something happens to your loved one in a nursing home, first call a doctor. Next, call a nursing home abuse lawyer. Your relatives deserve safety and proper care at a home. If they’re not getting it, please let us know. Our experienced civil trial attorneys are always available to help. Call (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey or (215) 567-2380 in Pennsylvania.

Needed Nursing Homes Struggling to Stay Open

When our loved ones are no longer able to take care of themselves and we have tried but we do not have the right medical care or the time to give them the assistance they need, nursing homes are where we turn. We depend on nursing homes to take care of our loved ones in the best way possible. We expect our loved ones to be treated well, with compassion and to be given the proper medical care as well. Due to the national recession and health reform cuts of $16 billion in Medicare plans, there are many nursing homes struggling to stay open. The nursing homes that are able to avoid bankruptcy and other problems have to make cuts on staff and proper training which leads to nursing home abuse, bed sores, and other types of neglect. We need a place for our elderly loved ones to feel safe and cared for without having to worry about their health and proper medical care. Even states that have been given extra funding for nursing home care are soon going to run out. It is important that we recognize that there is still a need for nursing homes and that we do something to save them and provide better medical care and services in them as well. Our loved ones and their lives may depend on it the way they depend on us.

If you would like to do something to save the nursing homes, you can write a letter to your congressman or attend a local town meeting and tell people how you feel and the importance of nursing homes.

For more information on nursing homes that are struggling, you may visit this web.

If you feel that your loved ones are a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, contact a nursing home abuse lawyer right away. They will help you get the rights and care for your loved one that they deserve to have.

Film about Health Care Reform and What Went So Wrong

There has been so much debate about health care reform, that now there is even a film about it. This film will be called Money Driven Medicine and is produced by Alex Gibney and is based on a book also called Money-Drive Medicine by Maggie Mahar. This film will show that the U.S. has spent more on health care when it becomes an emergency situation and less money on how to prevent diseases and sicknesses in the first place. It will talk about how we might receive more medical care, but not necessarily better medical care. Based on how the Health Care reform debate is going on now, this may be right. This country has many resources and all the technology for good medical care, but it seems as though we wait to use it until patients come in seriously ill with chronic problems or illness. If we spent more time preventing the abuse and injuries going on in nursing homes, or with consumer products, or even with driving safety than maybe we would not have to spend so much about expensive medicines and technology and there may not be as many medical malpractice lawsuits. So instead of focusing on more care, maybe the debate needs to focus on ways to prevent injuries, abuse, and sicknesses in the first place. If this country did that, maybe we could save enough money to get everyone health care and proper medical care. We need to focus more on patients and less on expensive medicines and equipment and how to cut costs. Without patients to care for, we won’t need all that, so patients need to come first. They should always be the first concern.

For more information on the film Money-Driven Medicine, you may visit:

If you feel that you or a loved one has been the victim of abuse or an injury that could have been prevented, please call a malpractice attorney right away. They will advocate for your rights and those of your loved ones to help you get proper medical care.

Tort Reform is Hurting More Than Helping

As the health care debate continues, so does tort reform. While some efforts have been made to help protect patients and their rights, there is still tort reform that is trying to cut costs and because of this there are still many people that are unable to get proper medical care and unable to fight for their rights to it. If tort reform continues the way it has, it is hurting more people than it is or will help.  Cutting costs and providing coverage for everyone is a great idea, but it is only great if it actually helps people to get the care they need and to have the services they need to fight for proper medical care if it is not given.  They are still many people being injured daily because of medical errors and malpractice. They are still many elderly being abused in nursing homes due to improper medical care. It is great that programs are trying to be put in place to cut down on medical malpractice lawsuits but what about just cutting down on the actual malpractice? If patients receive proper medical care, including checkups, treatments, evaluations and more, then we can worry less about lawsuits because the medical care will be better. Until medical errors are dramatically reduced and programs are put in place for more adequate medical care than people still need malpractice rights and lawyers to help them advocate for their rights to proper medical care. Tort reform may try to cut costs all it wants, but people still need their rights and one of these rights is their right to sue for medical malpractice. These rights are there to help those hurting.  Tort reform has only hurt more and not helped.

If you would like more information on the health care debate and tort reform, you may visit:

This link.

If you or someone you loved has been injured or denied proper medical care, contact a malpractice lawyer right away. They will help you fight for your rights and get your voice heard to help those you love.

Patients should not have to Choose

Health care reform and what rights will be given and which ones will be pushed aside has been the subject of much public debate for many months now. One of the most recent concerns is that the Obama Administration may push aside malpractice reform and rights in order to push for other health care reform that may be more favorable to more people. This does not seem right. People should not have to choose between one of their rights to make room for another.

They should have their voices heard and their rights protected no matter where they are or who they are. There are millions of people that suffer each day in nursing homes from malpractice, abuse, neglect, and much more. They deserve to have their voices heard and rights protected as much as anyone else. If we choose to take away one very necessary right to make room for another, what are we saying to those nursing home patients and their loved ones?
Is this country saying that it does in fact care more about profits than people? If so, then something must be done to change this and make more voices heard. This is America where the rights of the people are supposed to come first before profits.

If you feel that health care reform is pushing malpractice rights aside to make room for other rights and want to do something about it, take action and write a letter to Congress and make your voice heard. Tell them that patient care and rights should not take second place to other rights. Speak up for your loved ones suffering from nursing home abuse and neglect.

If your loved ones have suffered from nursing home abuse and neglect and you want their rights to be protected and heard, contact a nursing home lawyer right away and let them help you get your voice heard for your loved one.

For additional information about health care reform and malpractice reform and to take action, you may go to this site.

Nursing Home Training Tips to Prevent Abuse

Every day millions of nursing home patients face abuse because many nursing home put profits over patients.  As a result, many nursing homes are understaffed and have overworked, underpaid and unqualified employees. In particular, many nursing home employees are not trained to properly care for and treat bed sores due to incontinence, poor nutrition, and immobility. Many goverment agencies and organizations, including the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, have studied and evaluated ways to better train employees at nursing homes and other assisted living facilities to help prevent bed sores and pressure ulcer, as well as many other types of nursing home abuse faced by millions of patients every day. Although, the first concern should be patient care, unfortunately money usually comes before the care of a patient.  Clearly, with proper training and care of nursing home employees, much of the abuse we see can easily be prevented.

For example, nursing home employees should be trained to properly asses patients  with immobility problems such as those in a wheelchair or those who are bed bound. The evaluation of these patients should include plans for:

·a special diet plan

·Being repositioned or turned at night to reduce or prevent bed sores.

·A daily exercise routine

·Regular skin and hygiene evaluations

Regular bathing and cleansing of bed bound or wheelchair bound individuals can also help reduce or prevent bed sores and other types of abuse. Problems should be noted and written down on a weekly or monthly report. If a nursing home patient develops a malnutrition problem the first step that needs to taken is an evaluation of the food they have been eating and careful evaluation after adding more calories and nutrients.

Many times, the employees want training, but can not afford to do so.  Clearly, nursing homes and assisted living facilities should provide training classes to nursing home caregivers at little or no cost so that they can learn the proper ways to reposition, transfer and help a bed bound or wheelchair bound patient to help prevent bed sores or pressure ulcers.

Below are simple and general guidelines and training tips that can help to prevent nursing home abuse for millions of patients every day. Patients and their care should be priority number one; if not, patients need to have nursing home lawyer, someone fighting for their rights to proper medical care and abuse prevention.

If you feel that you or your loved ones rights have not been respected or you have been a victim of nursing home abuse, please contact a nursing home abuse attorney right away and let a nursing home lawyer help you fight for your rights and your loved ones.

To read additional information about the guidelines provided by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and the National Libary of Medicine, you may visit the following website:

Is Grandma Safe in the Nursing “Home” for the Holidays? Safety violations reported in 94% corporate nursing homes

“More than 90 percent of nursing homes were cited for violations of federal health and safety standards last year, and for-profit homes were more likely to have problems than other types of nursing homes, federal investigators say in a report issued on Monday.” Robert Pear, The New York Times

The Department of Human Health and Services has found nearly 94% of for profit nursing homes, many run by large corporations, have been cited for safety violations.This statistic is appalling, considering the millions dollar profits being made by these nursing homes. For the year 2008, nursing homes charge families $77,380 on average for a room and $36,372 for assisted living rooms.With costs increasingly rising, poor patient care and frequent violations are inexcusable.

If it wasn’t bad enough that these corporate nursing homes drastically overcharge, for the quality of care they provide, they are also supplementing their profits by overcharging taxpayers.Inspector General of the Department of Human Health and Services said he had found some cases in which nursing homes billed Medicare and Medicaid for services that, “were not provided, or were so wholly deficient that they amounted to no care at all.”

The decision to place a member of your family in a nursing home or assisted living is difficult, but often necessary.If you currently have a family member in assisted living or a nursing home, please make sure that someone you trusts checks them regularly to ensure that the home is providing proper care.Never hesitate to ask the staff any question, and always bring up any concern you have.Write down the names of the individuals with whom you speak.Do not let nursing home staffs tell you that you are worrying too much.When it comes to the care of your family, you can never be cautious enough. Finally, remember that neglect and abuse has many signs, some of which can be hard to immediately detect.Every time you visit your family member, be sure to always check the following by talking to the staff, and making your own observations: 1. be sure that there are no signs of bruising on your family member from possible abuse, 2. make sure that they are receiving the proper and necessary medication and nutrition, 3, makes sure that the staff is frequently monitoring that there are no bed or pressure sores developing, and 4. make sure that nursing home staff is capable of responding immediately to an emergency situation.

If you suspect abuse, you can report it to the local regulatory authorities:

In Pennsylvania you can go to the Office of Aging website

In New Jersey, contact the Adult Protective Services

Contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in New Jersey

Contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Pennsylvania

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in New Jersey

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Pennsylvania

How To Treat A Bedsore

The development of a bedsore (or pressure sore) in an elderly or bedridden loved one can be a scary ordeal. Bedsores are painful and often require months of treatment before they heal. Bedsores can also be fatal if not cared for properly; therefore, it is important that family members are extremely involved in the treatment process.

The following list offers practical tips on how to treat a bedsore. Families can also use the list as a gauge to determine whether their loved one is receiving appropriate care from the nursing home or hospital staff. In addition, I encourage you to read ahead to the legal rights of a bedsore patient. Bedsores are a clear sign of neglect in nursing home or hospital setting. You have the legal right to hold these facilities accountable for the pain and suffering they have caused your loved one.

Bedsore Prevention Methods

  1. Keep Moving– Ideally, a bedsore patient should move every 15 minutes to keep pressure off of the sore. If this frequency is not possible (as in the case of an immobile resident), the bedsore patient must be moved at least every two hours. He or she should also be kept off of the sore as much as possible. Special mattresses, foam blocks or special chairs may help keep your loved one comfortable during the repositioning process.
  2. Keep it Clean– The bedsore should be cleaned with Saline solution and wrapped with an occlusive dressing. Occlusive dressing is a clear transparent bandage that can seal itself to the wound and is found at your local medical supply store. The bandage should also be left on for a few days before it is changed. If the dressing is changed too often, it will inhibit the body’s natural growth factors from connecting with the raw tissue.
  3. Get Healthy– Malnutrition is common in bedsore patients. This condition contributes to the easy breakdown of the skin. To promote healing, the bedsore patient should eat plenty of protein, take 500 mg of Vitamin C supplements twice a day (as always, consult with a doctor before taking supplements) and drink 8 glass of water a day to prevent dehydration. It is a proven fact that patients who receive proper nutrition will not only heal faster, but will be less likely to get another bedsore in the future.

Legal Rights of a Bedsore Patient

Nursing homes and hospitals have specific guidelines aimed at preventing bedsores. Therefore, if a bedsore develops, it’s safe to conclude that someone was not following the rules. These sores are so unacceptable that insurance companies are now refusing to pay doctors for bedsore treatment.

The reason for this is simple—bedsores are easier to prevent than treat. In most cases, bedsores are just the result of carelessness and neglect. Fortunately, insurance companies are not the only ones taking a stand against such negligent behavior. Bedsore patients and family members have turned to the court system to hold hospitals and nursing homes responsible for the pain and suffering they have caused. And while the hospital or nursing home may insist that bedsores are unavoidable even under the best circumstances, nothing can be further than the truth.

How to Get Help

Your first priority is the physical health of your loved one. Once they are stable and being treated as recommended above, you should contact an elder abuse attorney to discuss your specific case. At Mininno Law Office, we use a unique team of medical and legal professionals that work together to cover every angle of your bedsore case. Our staff nurse will answer any medical questions you may have, while our team of elder abuse attorneys will fight aggressively for your rights in court.

To get started with our licensed RN, call toll-free (856) 833-0600 or fill out the case evaluation form on the right side of the page.

Related information:

New Jersey Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Practical Advice For The Treatment of Bedsores and Pressure Sores

Although the treatment of bedsores can be very difficult and challenging, prevention and aggressive wound care is always the best option. Unfortunately, most patients fall victim to bedsores and pressure ulcers due to under-staffed nursing homes and poorly trained medical personnel. And while medical personnel may claim that they are doing all that they can do to fix the problem, there are some practical ways for family members to get involved to ensure that the potentially fatal bedsore does not get worse.

First, patients in nursing homes who develop bedsores and/or pressure sores should be immediately assessed for transfer to a medical facility. If the patient has only developed a stage one ulcer, this can be treated with conservative treatment. That treatment would consist of the following:

  1. Immediately establish a turning and re-positioning schedule for the patient. This means that the patient should be moved every 15 minutes from one position to another.

Furthermore, the area in which the stage one ulcer has developed should be avoided all together. In addition, patients can use special cushions and pads to relieve pressure on the existing sores. These cushions consist of a variety of foam, air filled or water filled devices which cushion and protect the irritated and exposed skin.

If the ulcer progresses from stage one to stage two, transfer to a medical facility from the nursing home is strongly encouraged. Most stage two ulcers require more extensive and aggressive medical care and constant monitoring by trained professionals. Many nursing homes do not have the personnel, nor the programs in place to adequately treat these pressure sores.

Stage two pressure ulcers or bedsores can be treated non-surgically. Many doctors prescribe saline solution dressing to gently wash the infected area. And while full surgery is unavoidable at this stage, most patients will require some sort of surgical debridement. Debridement is a procedure where a doctor uses a scalpel to remove dead tissue. The body then reacts to the existing tissue and attempts to heal itself. The goal of the procedure is to improve the health of the infected tissue and to increase blood flow and regeneration of tissue. Following this procedure, careful monitoring is still required.

Admittedly, bedsores are much easier to prevent than to treat. However, if the sores are caught in the early stages, it is easy to see how family members can push for better treatment before the problem spirals out of control. It is ok (and highly recommended) that families keep on top of their loved one”s caregivers. Bedsores can be fatal if ignored or not properly cared for. However, if you monitor the situation to ensure that your loved one”s care follows the guidelines listed above, there is a greater chance of a full and uncomplicated recovery.

For more information on bedsore prevention or how to file a bedsore lawsuit in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, click on the following link:

New Jersey Bedsores Lawyers