Are your tires expired? The following information may save your life.

Aged tires have been linked to hundreds of vehicle deaths across the country.

You may be thinking, “My tires are brand new…this doesn’t apply to me.”

Unfortunately, that may not be the case.  Those “brand new” tires may have sat on the shelf for up to 10 years before they were put on your car.

However, for each year a tire sits on a shelf, it becomes less elastic and prone to tread separation on the road.  Tire experts claim that any tire over six years of age is expired and should not be sold to consumers. I always recommend these winter tires reviewed by carbibles. They are great.

A recent ABC investigative report shows the seriousness of this issue.  Major tire retailers such as Sears were caught selling tires up to 15 years old.  When questioned on the dangers of these tires, investigative reporters were assured they were safe and sent on their way.

This same report shows a professional driver attempting to control a vehicle with old tires after the tread separates from the wheel.  Not surprisingly, this condition resulted in a crash every single time.

Clearly, your “brand new” tires may be an accident waiting to happen.

How to Check the Age of a Tire Manufactured after 2000

To find the age of a tire made before the year 2000, you must first locate the “DOT” number on the sidewall.

In this picture, the last 4 digits represent the week the car was manufactured and the year.  So in this case, the last two digits are 00, which means the tire was manufactured in the year 2000.

How to Check the Age of a Tire Manufactured Before 2000
In the case of a tire manufactured before the year 2000, you will find only 3 digits at the end of the DOT number.  These three digets stand for the week and year that the tire was made.

In this case, the tire was made on the 40th week of the year 1998.

These numbers will only apply to the years 1990-1999, as tire age regulations did not exist before this time.
I was sold expired tires as new.  What should I do?

First and foremost, if your tires are still intact, I would ask the store to replace them as soon as possible.  Driving on these tires can be deadly and immediate action must be taken.

However, if you or a loved one has been injured as a result of aged tires, you may have a case against the manufacturer.  For further information or a free legal consultation, call (856) 833-0600 in NJ or (215) 567-2380 in PA.  You can also fill out the form on the left side of the page for immediate help.

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