Bathtub Safety Tips that may save Your Child’s Life

Every summer parents and guardians sit by the pool and watch over their children as they swim because they are worried about the possibility of drowning. Not many of us consider that the same thing can happen indoors in bathtubs, bath seats and even buckets every year. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that in 2003-2005, about ninety children younger than five years old drowned in bathtubs, bath seats, buckets, pails, and other landscaping and yard products.  In 2005-2007 there was an average of thirty-nine submersion incidents with the same products involving children less than two years of age. It is important that we remember to always supervise our children in and outdoors while they are around or in these products. Some safety tips recommended by CPSC for parents and caregivers include:

  • Never leave your child alone even for a second while they are near or around water.
  • When in a bathtub always make sure the child is within arm’s reach or take them with you if you leave.
  • Do not let another child watch a younger child around a bathtub or other sources of water.
  • Do not leave buckets with water unattended even if it is a small amount of water.
  • Take a CPR class which can help save children’s lives.


It is important that we remember to watch our child the best we can at all times and follow all safety advice and recommendations possible. These things may just help us to save the life of our child or other children.


For additional information on child indoor water safety you may visit: or


If you or someone you love has been injured or harmed in anyway by a personal product or unsafe product, you should contact a personal injury attorney right away. They will help you advocate for your rights and the care you deserve.

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