Medical Malpractice Attorneys – Lawsuits in Pennsylvania Are Down

New rules were enacted in 2002 by the Pennsylvania high court in an attempt to limit “frivolous” medical malpractice lawsuits. In 2010, medical malpractice litigation against hospitals and doctors in Pennsylvania dropped to the lowest point since the adoption of the new guidelines. The new standards within the state are supposed to ensure that all the medical negligence cases that reach trial are legitimate, as opposed to dubious, claims. Medical malpractice attorneys believe plaintiffs will still be able to acquire just compensation for medical malpractice because more of the judicial resources will be available to the deal with stronger lawsuits.

Statewide Medical Malpractice Suits Down 45% Since Adoption of New Rules

new jersey philadelphia Medical Malpractice Attorneys lawsuit pennsylvaniaThe worry among medical malpractice attorneys has been that the new rules limiting the ability of plaintiffs to bring lawsuits may place a significant obstacle in the way of patients finding justice. Medical malpractice has been a hot button issue in nearly every jurisdiction within the country, with many politicians concerned with stabilizing the costs of malpractice insurance. Medical malpractice attorneys’ chief concern is that rules that are over-expansive may keep meritorious cases from reaching a courtroom. On the other hand, many medical malpractice attorneys believe that these new rules in Pennsylvania may help those patients bringing strong negligence cases to court. Although the new standards on negligence have been put into place to limit frivolous lawsuits, those patients with strong cases will have more of the judicial resources at their disposal.

The Pennsylvania rules now require medical malpractice attorneys to file a statement by an expert in the medical field stating that the claims being brought are not frivolous. Clearly, those patients who are able to pass this standard have a legitimate case and should have a fair shot at prevailing in a court of law. The rules also require medical malpractice attorneys to file the lawsuit in the county where the health care provider’s mistake took place, in an effort to limit plaintiffs from running to a more sympathetic forum to have their case tried.

Hospitals and doctors are clearly involved in big business and have a big say in the political processes across the country. Hopefully, patients who have been harmed by medical negligence can still pursue a fair remedy in Pennsylvania.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you believe that you or a loved one have been recently treated by a negligent medical provider which is causing excess and/or unnecessary pain and discomfort, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

DePuy Hip Recall News Update

As New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyers, we have been posting information regarding the DePuy hip recall and how it is affecting patients. If you are one of the 93,000 patients worldwide who were fitted with a DePuy ASR hip implant, hopefully you have been following these posts regarding the lawsuits.

DePuy Recall Multi-District Litigation

As we have posted, over 100 DePuy hip recall lawsuits filed around the country have now been consolidated in the United States Court for the Eastern District of Ohio and Toledo under MDL2197. U.S. District Judge, David A. Katz, has been assigned to handle all of these Federal Court DePuy hip recall claims.

new jersey philadelphia depuy hip recall lawyers claim updateAs a result, Judge Katz is responsible for coordinating all pretrial discovery and litigation concerning the nature of DePuy’s defective hip implant to promote judicial economy, prevent duplication of the same discovery in hundreds of cases, prevent the potential for hundreds of judges each individually ruling on the same issue, and to prevent inconsistent judicial rulings from these judges. The DePuy hip recall multi-district litigation (MDL) is a great way to streamline the DePuy hip recall litigation, conserve judicial resources, and save the parties money.

Although these DePuy hip recall lawsuits are consolidated under Judge Katz, each DePuy hip recall patient has his or her own individual case within the consolidated group case. If Judge Katz is unsuccessful in resolving any DePuy hip recall lawsuit before trial, that party’s case will eventually be sent back to where it was filed, and trial will proceed in that jurisdiction.

Thus far, the DePuy hip recall litigation consolidation has been effective. When Judge Katz was first assigned the DePuy case, there were only seven cases pending throughout the country. However, since the consolidation order, there have been over ninety-six DePuy hip recall lawsuits filed in over 34 different federal courtrooms. All of these DePuy hip recall cases are now consolidated under Judge Katz to be handled as is detailed above.

DePuy Hip Recall Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

As New Jersey DePuy hip recall lawyers, we support the consolidation of any case filed in Federal Court. However, many New Jersey and Philadelphia DePuy hip recall lawyers prefer that these case be filed in State court and not be consolidated with the MDL being managed by Judge Katz. If you are a DePuy hip recall patient, you should contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, and to determine which jurisdiction is better suited to your case. You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Please check back as we will continue to post about the DePuy hip recall litigation and any other developments under Judge Katz.