Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Uncovered by Litigation

A report released by the American Association for Justice, titled “Standing up For Seniors: How the Civil Justice System Protects Elderly Americans”, tells of how the Civil Justice System is the only weapon senior citizens and their families have in the fight against abusive and negligent care in nursing homes and long term care facilities.

A Nursing Home is a Business

new jersey philadelphia nursing home abuse attorneys neglect uncovered litigationWe’ve talked before about how nursing homes are businesses; big businesses with corporate agendas and money hungry CEO’s. Today, these corporations are wide-eyed at the thought of an influx of baby boomers entering their facilities. This prospect of large profits has caused a major drop in the level of care provided to our elderly loved ones.

Approximately 1.5 million Americans are currently enrolled in a nursing home or long term care facility program. Unfortunately, a number of these residents will suffer, or already have suffered, from nursing home abuse and negligence.
Bedsores, chemical restraints, dehydration, malnourishment, physical and verbal abuse, co-resident violence, fraud, medical errors, and unsafe facility conditions, are all potential threats to your loved one’s health and well-being while a resident at a nursing home.

Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Working to Reveal Abusive Facilities

Regulatory and legislative bodies have passed many laws protecting the rights of senior citizens, but it seems that our judicial system is the only system uncovering the many events of abuse and neglect. Without nursing home abuse attorneys, too many instances of subpar care would go untold, especially since nursing homes are sticking mandatory arbitration agreements in their huge packets of admission documents and failing to explain that those agreements remove resident rights to a jury trial.
American Association for Justice President, Gibson Vance, comments:

“Corporate nursing homes and insurance companies have continually chosen to put profits ahead of the well-being of our most vulnerable population. Where regulatory and legislative bodies have been unable to cope with this distressing rise of neglect and abuse of our elderly, the civil justice system has stepped into the breach.”

NJ and PA Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys at the Mininno Law Office

The nursing home abuse attorneys at the Mininno Law Office are dedicated to eradicating the disturbing trends of abuse and negligence in our nation’s nursing homes.
If you or your loved one have suffered due to nursing home abuse or neglect, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Let the team at the Mininno Law Office earn you the compensation you deserve.

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