According to the Nursing Home Complaint Center, a website sponsored by the consumer advocacy group America’s Watchdog to provide people with a place to report the varying nursing home abuse events they have encountered, sepsis, also know as septic shock, is the number one indicator of intense nursing home abuse or neglect.
These infections are usually preventable with normal and regular cleaning, but when they do develop, they often require trips to the hospital emergency room or even admittance to an intensive care unit. There is no excuse for this level of abuse.
If you know somebody in a nursing home who has been diagnosed with septic shock and has been hospitalized as a result, that person may be a victim of nursing home negligence. If that is the case, you should seriously consider contacting authorities, as well as an attorney.
How Do I Know if Septic Shock is a Result of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?
If someone you know has been diagnosed with septic shock infection while residing at a nursing home or long term care facility, that person could very well be the victim of nursing home negligence. Septic shock is most often caused by improper and infrequent cleaning of residents that require regular cleanings as part of their normal care. If a resident of a nursing home or long term care facility is diagnosed with septic shock more than once, or requires a trip to the emergency room or admittance to an intensive care unit, this is a major indicator that the resident is not being properly cared for. This is a clear sign of nursing home abuse and neglect. If this is taking place, the nursing home or long term care facility is simply not doing their job.
Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia
The skilled Pennsylvania and New Jersey nursing home negligence attorneys at The Mininno Law Office have years of experience and are committed to exposing and stopping the unfortunately widespread problem of nursing home abuse and neglect. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0060 in New Jersey or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia, if you would like to discuss a nursing home abuse case.