The Hampton Roads News recently published an article discussing the results of a study on nursing home abuse. The study asserts that elderly citizens are being abused more than ever before.
Study results are only helping the fight to improve nursing home and long term facility care.
Within the study are statistics that illustrate a 9 percent rise in reported cases of nursing home abuse from 2008-2009. From 2007-2009, reports rose 19 percent.
A personal account in the study involved the story of an 87 year old Alzheimers patient that died in the hospital after being brought in covered in bruises and bedsores or pressure sores, and suffering from extreme malnourishment.
Experts believe that these numbers are poised only to rise.
Never let Nursing Home Abuse go Unreported
Considering that thousands of nursing home abuse cases go unreported, perhaps a rise in these numbers would be good for the fight against inattentive and abusive care.
Reporting nursing home abuse to the state ombudsman will trigger an investigation, making it hard for nursing homes and long term care facilities to continue treating residents with such callous disregard.
Contacting a nursing home abuse attorney in the event of elder abuse is also essential. Nursing homes tend to provide inadequate care because their staff is overworked and underpaid, or perhaps not trained or properly educated. Owners of these homes cut staff numbers, sometimes below regulatory standards, to raise profits.
In the end, our elderly loved ones are suffering so someone else can get rich. Recently, juries have been awarding huge sums of money to victims of nursing home abuse. It’s clear that the crime is intolerable and offenders must be punished.
Victim of Nursing Home Abuse? Contact the Mininno Law Office
If you or a loved one have suffered due to nursing home abuse or negligence, please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation.
You may also call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.
We will work hard to earn you the compensation you rightly deserve.