Wrongful Death Suit Filed Against Lancaster Hospital for Patient Suicide

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Lancaster General Hospital
The Lancaster General Hospital in Lancaster, PA is named in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of 70 year old Fillipo Raia, who, last summer, leapt to his death out of an eighth story window at the facility on Duke Street where he was being treated for mental health problems.

Raia had a history of seizures and anxiety and, upon admittance to the hospital last July, was confused, agitated, and appeared to have an “altered mental status.”According to nurses, two days after his admittance, Raia threatened to jump out of the window. Nurses also noted that he was suffering from hallucinations and paranoia, and thought the hospital staff was trying to kill him. He was given medicine throughout his stay to keep him calm and sedated.

Raia’s two psychiatrists, Dr. Kathleen Dougherty and Dr. Leo Dorozynski, are being named in the suit. It seems that their assesments of Raia differ greatly from those of the nurses who cared for him on a daily basis. On the same day that a nurse documented Raia to be “agitated and uncooperative,” Dr. Dougherty noted that he was “somewhat anxious” but “logical.” Two days before Raia’s death, Dr. Dorozynski wrote that he was “calm, pleasant but confused.” Two hours later, a nurse noted that he was “very confused,” “agitated,” and “psychotic.” Raia’s medical doctor suggested a transfer to the psych unit of the hospital, and Dougherty stated that she “…[did] not see indication for psychiatric admission.”

Andrew Youman, an attorney with Kline and Specter, the Philadelphia Firm handling the case, stated that “Throughout the stay, he was clearly demonstrating that he was not able to keep himself or others safe because of his mental status.” The lawsuit names not only the hospital and the two psychiatrists, but Behavioral Health Specialists, Lancaster General Medical Group, Lancaster General Behavioral Health System, Lancaster General Health and Lancaster General Health Foundation as well.

Wrongful Death at the Mininno Law Office

John Mininno began a law career to help bring justice to those who have been wronged. He has won substantial verdicts for people who have been hurt by negligent doctors, defective product manufacturers, and corporate wrongdoers.
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, and you believe their death was not inevitable, contact the Wrongful Death Attorneys at the Mininno Law Office. They will be able to help you get the compensation you deserve. You may also call at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Criminal Charges Filed in Bucks County Hyperthermic Death

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Stacey Strauss turned herself in on Tuesday, August 3rd, for the death of autistic Bryan Nevins.
Yesterday, we posted a wrongful death blog about the tragic, hyperthermic death of Bryan Nevins at the Woods Services care center in Langhorne, PA. At this time yesterday, it was unclear whether charges would be pressed against any person or persons responsibile for the care of 20 year old , severly autisitic Bryan Nevins. Last night, Stacey Strauss turned herself in to Middletown Police, was arraigned, and was charged with fatally neglecting Bryan Nevins. Her bail was set at $50,000.

Strauss’ official charge was “neglect of a care-dependant person,” a first degree felony that carries a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison. She was also charged with misdemeanor accounts of involuntary manslaughter, and recklessly endangering another person.
Strauss’ attorney asserts that the incident was simply a “tragic mistake.” He also states that Strauss has been en employee of Woods Services for 8 years and has had a spotless record.

William Nevins, father of Bryan Nevins and former homicide chief for the NYPD, said in an interview, “Now we will see what a disabled child’s life is worth in Bucks County.

Wrongful Death in NJ and PA: Mininno Law Office

It is clear that others shared in our sentiment from yesterday; that an occurence like this is more than a mere accident. Bryan Nevins, an autistic young man with the same mind as a 2 year old, should never have been left behind so carelessly. As we also said yesterday, this is clear case of wrongful death.
NJ Wrongful Death Attorneys at the Mininno Law Office are poised to assist anyone who has lost a loved one due to the negligence and carelessness of another.

If you need the help of a wrongful death attorney, contact the Mininno Law Office, or call us at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Will parents sue for Wrongful Death in Langhorne, PA?

pennsylvania new jersey attorneys wrongful death Bryan Nevins woods services
Bryan Nevins, 20, was left inside a van to die in the middle of a record setting heatwave.
On July 24, 2010, Bryan Nevins (20), a severely autistic young man, died of hyperthermia after being left in the back of a van during a record setting heatwave. He was a resident at Woods Services in Langhorne, PA, and was found hours after returning from a group trip to Sesame Place.
District Attorney David Heckler has not yet decided whether or not to prosecute Nevins’ caretaker for negligence, or if this was simply an accident. Nevins’ parents live in New York, but have said that despite his age, he has the mental capacity of a two year old.

The question on prosecutors’ minds is whether this is a case of negligence at a care center or simply a tragic accident. If it is determined that negligence is at fault, a person or persons could be charged with involuntary manslaughter. And the facility could be sued for wrongful death in PA.

It seems that, upon returning from the water park, each resident should have been accounted for as they exited the van. How could Bryan have simply been forgotten about? It was someone’s responsibility to make sure that he returned safely from Sesame Place to the facility, and back to his room or common meeting area.
To leave him in the back of a van in the middle of heatwave is irresponsible and grossly negligent: this is a clear cut case of wrongful death.

Wrongful Death Claims and the Mininno Law Office

At the Mininno Law Office, wrongful death attorneys work ’round the clock to assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. A New Jersey wrongful death attorney will help gather all of the facts in order to present the best possible case.
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one because of what you believe is a wrongful death claim, contact the Mininno Law Office or call us at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Should Tainted Heparin and Trasylol Victims Be Concerned With The Upcoming Drug Case Before The Supreme Court?

There is no doubt that tainted Heparin victims, Trasylol victims and lawyers alike are concerned with the upcoming decision on Wyeth v. Levine, which is scheduled for a ruling by the Supreme Court this fall.

The issue in this case is whether drug companies should be immune from product liability suits concerning dangerous or defective products if they had prior approval from the FDA. Specifically, the appeal filed in Wyeth v. Levine seeks to overturn a $6.8 million judgment awarded to a Vermont woman that lost part of her arm after doctors injected her with a nausea drug. The lawyers for the drug manufacturer claim that the company is not liable for her injuries because the drug met all necessary FDA requirements and ultimately received FDA approval.

One can only hope that the Supreme Court will see this argument for what it is-just another attempt by a billion dollar drug company to avoid responsibility for a defective product. I heard someone recently put it this way, “So because I passed my driver’s test and the State gave me a license, you can’t sue me if I carelessly wreck your car.” I think that analogy shows just how ridiculous this argument is. Even if you break it down to the issue of “fairness”– no person in their right mind can justify how a woman who is permanently disabled because the FDA and a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company released a dangerous product on the market should be faced with economic hardship because her disability check barely pays the bills. Where is the justice in that?

Furthermore, lets consider the people who’s loved ones were killed after receiving a lethal injection of contaminated Heparin. Consider the anxious mothers who became seriously ill after they were placed on a Heparin regiment during pregnancy and are now scared to death of the effects it may have had on their unborn child. How about the patients that sailed through heart surgery, only to die in the recovery room after a lethal dose of Trasylol?

Clearly, a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the drug companies will be nothing more than a license to push questionable drugs through the understaffed FDA and make billions of dollars at the expense of the American people. This is not justice and we can only hope that the Court rules in favor of the little guy in this situation.

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Baxter Not Expecting ‘Material Litigation’ After Contaminated Heparin Recall

Pharmaceutical giant Baxter announced today that it does not expect any “material” litigation with regards to the contaminated heparin recalls. Although the FDA has received a ton of complaints about death and serious reactions to the drug, Baxter claims that they only know of four possible injuries to date. They also believe it will be difficult to prove a link between the drug and some of the side effects reported by the general public.

I think the report on CNN.com gives a little more insight as to why Baxter is not overly concerned with this issue. CNN reports that:

Despite the high-profile nature of the heparin troubles, the drug is not a major or high profit-margin product for Baxter, which expects a muted financial impact from the recall. On Thursday, when the company reported first-quarter results, it noted $11 million in after-tax charges associated with the heparin recall in the U.S.

All this uproar is just a drop in the bucket to Baxter. No wonder why they are so indifferent to the fact that a drug, which people rely on to prevent clotting, is contaminated with a foreign substance that makes people sick. With this mentality, why in the world would drug companies want to change up the regulation standards when they only experience a “muted financial impact” from a national recall? It”s so much easier to just sell the bad drug, make money and apologize later. And I guess that”s the course of action that they are gonna take on this one too. Very scary.

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