Bed Sore Attorneys Advise: It’s All in The Family

Tiffany Duthu, a 35 year-old woman, was found guilty of neglecting her paralyzed mother, Clara. Clara Duthu passed away due to untreated bed sores which soon became infected. Now, the daughter faces up to fifteen years in prison after being convicted of cruelty and negligent homicide. Bed Sore lawyers discovered that Tiffany is the second family member who has been charged in this death already. Her father, Joseph, is currently serving a two year sentence in prison, while another daughter, Tessie Breaux is scheduled to go on trial later in 2011.

Woman Lived in Horrid Conditions Prior to Death

new jersey philadelphia bed sore attorneys family case Tiffany Duthu caseClara Duthu passed away at Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center due to sepsis. Her daughter’s conviction came following a three day trial before District Judge David Arceneaux. When Tiffany’s father was unable to take care of his wife due to his own medical issues, there was a two month span where she failed to provide assistance to her mother. Tiffany had acted as a caregiver in the past but steadily began to provide less help. Lawyers say that Tiffany made a statement to authorities in which she claimed to have neglected her mother as a way to get back at her other siblings who did not help. The judge said “it seems she simply stopped going to her mother’s house, knowing nobody else could change her diapers.” Bed sore attorneys found that Clara’s bed and sheets were covered in urine and feces, a terrible way for a life to come to an end. Bed sores can be caused by many things including bed bugs, getting a mattress protector can help. Here are some bed bug mattress cover reviews on the best protectors.

Bed Sore Attorneys of New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one has recently suffered from a bed sore, you may have questions for our professionals regarding your legal rights. If you suspect that neglect or mistreatment played a factor in the development of a bed sore, Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation. You may also call for a free consultation in New Jersey at (856) 833-0600, or in Philadelphia at (215) 567-2380.

Bed Sores – Stage 1

Bed sores and pressure ulcers, 99% of the time, are indicative of nursing home abuse. Usually, bed sores are classified as a Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, or Stage IV, but many of our clients do not know what the difference is between these. This blog post, and the following three in this series, are aimed at informing nursing home abuse victims, and their families, about their injuries and what they can do about it.

Bed Sore Stage Classifications – Stage I

Stage I bed sores represent the first stage of bed sores, and should serve as a warning sign to medical professionals and family members. Patients with Stage I bed sores typically exhibit the following symptoms:

  • a warming or cooling in skin temperature,
  • changes in tissue consistency (firm or boggy feeling),
  • pain,
  • itching, and
  • persistent red, blue, or purple hues.

Typically, bed sores lawyers are not involved with Stage I bed sores because they can be treated by medical professionals, thereby eliminating a serious health risk to the patient. But, as experienced bed sores lawyers, we can tell you, from first hand experience, that monitoring your loved one’s health is very important. Bed sores progress very rapidly, and when they are discovered, they need to be treated immediately.

Preventing Bed Sores

Bed sores typically are caused by pressure on the skin at bony areas of the body. Continuous pressure and friction are dangerous to people with the following risk factors:

  • over 65,
  • incontinence,
  • malnutrition,
  • dehydration,
  • lack of movement,
  • numbness,
  • smoking, and
  • previous pressure ulcers.

For bed ridden patients, skin should be kept clean, dry, and moisturized. Furthermore, their position should be changed regularly, and special equipment and pads should be used to protect skin over bony areas. The best medicine for bed sores is prevention, and the number one tool for prevention is attentiveness. It is important to be attentive to a patient’s needs. If a patient is ignored or neglected, deadly bed sores can quickly develop.

Bed Sores Lawyers in New Jersey

Later posts will demonstrate how a Stage I pressure ulcer can quickly develop into a more serious problem. If you or your family member has developed bed sores while in a nursing home or assisted living facility, contact the Mininno Law Office for a free consultation and case evaluation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia. You deserve compensation and the Mininno Law Office can get it for you.

Bed Sore – The Fourth and Final Stage: Free Consultation

Bed sore lawyers say that the fourth and final stage of pressure sores brings about a large scale loss of tissue. Some wounds may be so deep that tendons, bones, and muscles can actually become exposed. Within the depths of the wound, slough (dark dead tissue) and significant drainage is likely built up. We know that the fourth stage signifies deep and widespread skin damaged caused by the bed sore. Medical attention is required to preserve the health and life of patients.

The Road to Recovery

new jersey philadelphia bedsore attorneys fourth stage final recoveryPeople need to get in contact with their doctor or health care provider as soon as possible. This stage of bed sores can lead to a serious deterioration of health and even worse, it could cause death. Following a medical consultation, it is imperative that people closely monitor the status of the bed sore. We know that the first sign of recovery will be that the wound will slowly begin to diminish in width and depth. New tissue will begin to form along the edges of the sore, which will generally be a light pinkish color. People may also notice blood at the site of the wound: although most people usually see blood as a bad sign, in the case of bed sore recovery it is actually a positive sign. Bed sore attorneys believe that blood shows that there is good circulation in this region of the bed sore which will help the region begin to heal.

Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a pressure sore which you attribute to neglect or mistreatment, it is possible that you would like to speak with our professionals. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sore – Stage Three, Signs and Suggestions: Free Consultation

The third stage of the bed sore progression brings about significant changes and a more dramatic wound. Unlike stage two, where the wound only extended into the top layer of the skin, stage three has a much more extended skin break. The breakdown in the skin now extends through the second layer of the skin, known as the dermis, into the fat and subcutaneous tissue. Bed sore lawyers say that the wounds in stage three are noticeably deeper than in prior stages.

How to Care for a Stage Three Bed Sore

new jersey philadelphia Bed Sore lawyers stage three signs suggestionsMany of the general treatment suggestions from previous bed sore phases remain similar in stage three. Once again, it is essential to keep pressure off of the pressure sore. We stress the importance of frequently changing positions and alleviating the pressure between the wound and outer surfaces, such as wheelchairs and beds. Cleaning the sore and maintaining good hygiene is once again crucial to the healing of a pressure sore. Yellow shaded dead tissue, known as slough, may appear within the wound which is a main reason cleanliness carries such importance at this stage. Our professionals also advise that maintaining a healthy diet during stage three is important to strengthen the skin. Wounds that are present in stage three almost always call for additional care and treatment. Special cleaning, antibiotic medication, or specially created beds and mattresses may be suggested by a physician to help limit pressure and promote recovery.

Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one have recently suffered from a pressure sore which you attribute to neglect or mistreatment, you probably would like to speak with a bed sore attorney. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sores – Stage 2, What to Do: Free Consultation

Bed sore lawyers urge patients to be on the look out for the deterioration of skin as a signal that a bed sore condition is worsening. Stage one of the pressure sore process begins with some slight changes to the skin that may not be easy to notice and therefore may not cause patients to seek medical attention. Stage two is more noticeable due to breaking in the top layer of skin. This should be apparent because a shallow open sore will develop.

How to Cope with the Second Stage of Bed Sores

new jersey philadelphia Bed Sore lawyers explain bedsores stage 2It is essential that people keep pressure off of the open sore in order to limit damage and irritation to the skin. Patients should also maintain good hygiene and a strong and nutritious diet. Although cleanliness is important, it is essential to delicately clean and dry the wound as opposed to a vigorous rubbing motion which could cause further damage. There are many important vitamins and nutrients which contribute to healthy skin. People should be sure to have a sufficient intake of protein, calories, zinc, iron, and vitamins A and C.

After consulting with your doctor, a number of possible treatments may be presented. It is sometimes proposed that patients clean their wound only with saline solution, as opposed to a more conventional soap and water technique. Secondly, patients may be required to check for signs of wound healing with each change of their dressing in order to monitor progress of the bed sore. We believe that most doctors will also be highly concerned with infection during stage two. If a wound seems to be infected, rather than healing, a consultation with a physician is necessary to re-evaluate treatment and possible causes of the problem.

Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a pressure sore which you attribute to neglect or mistreatment, it is possible that you would like to speak with a bed sore attorney. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sores – Stage 1 and Early Prevention: Free Consultation

We believe that it is essential to notice warning signs of bed sores and pressure ulcers as soon as possible in order to limit potential health issues down the road. Although bed sores are vaguely noticeable on the skin in the early stages, these wounds can quickly intensify and significantly impact the health of individuals. Bed sore attorneys stress the importance of frequently changing positions, especially in hospital beds and wheelchairs, as well as frequent skin examinations to catch bed sores before they develop. The risks are great when dealing with pressure sores and early prevention is the only way to ensure the health of loved ones.

The Beginning Stage of Bed Sores

new jersey philadelphia bed sores lawyers stage one early preventionAs pressure sores begin to develop, the skin will remain intact. This may confuse people into believing that it is simply a skin rash rather than the development of something more severe. People with a lighter complexion will notice that their skin is becoming red. Individuals with darker skin may not notice any significant changes in the coloring of the skin. People will also notice that their skin will not blanch, or briefly lighten, when it is touched or pressure is asserted.

Finally, bed sore attorneys say that the location of the bed sore may bring about many different sensations in patients. The pressure sore could be painful as skin begins to deteriorate. The skin may also begin to feel increasingly firm or soft, which will differ among individuals. The site of the pressure sore may also feel warmer or cooler than the other surrounding skin. All of these different appearances and sensations should be a warning sign that a bed sore is beginning to develop and medical attention is immediately necessary. We firmly believe that this discomfort forces many people to realize that they are not suffering from a normal rash therefore they immediately seek help and hopefully prevent a tragic outcome.

Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a bed sore due to improper medical care or neglect, it is possible that you would like to speak with a bed sore attorney. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, or (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sore Attorneys – CA Lawsuit Shows Typical Medical Center Conduct

Bed Sore AttorneysThe family of Esperanza Garcia has recently filed a complaint in Los Angeles County Superior Court following her death in October, 2010. Garcia’s daughter, Irene, is seeking general and special money damages as compensation for her mother’s pain and suffering, as well as costs and fees associated with the litigation. The complaint alleges that the Los Angeles Medical Center was reckless in their treatment and care of the ill woman. Esperanza was extremely ill when she entered the medical facility but she did not suffer from any bed sores or pressure ulcers at the time she entered the center. The bed sore attorneys said that once the bed sores began developing on the 64 year old woman, the personnel at the center did not report the severity of the ulcers or properly treat them.

Death Resulted Only One Day Following Removal From the Facility

The medical center should have been on notice that the elderly woman was at significant risk to develop bed sores because of the likelihood of skin breakdown. The center failed to follow any means of prevention in order to limit the possibility of bed sores. Not only did Garcia’s open wounds go untreated, she was also forced to continue to lie on them. Even worse, the woman was left uncared for in her own excrement for extended periods of time as the sores intensified. The bed sore attorneys found that rather than show the proper medical records, center officials deliberately covered up the documented pressure sores and attempted to re characterize them as merely a skin rash. Following this neglect, the family removed Garcia from the medical center but her condition had worsened beyond treatment and she passed away only a day later. Bed sore attorneys believe that this type of neglect and failure to understand the seriousness of bed sores is more prevalent than most would believe.

Bed Sore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If you or a family member has recently suffered from pressure ulcers due to neglect or failed treatment, it is possible that you have some questions for bed sore attorneys. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation, or call for a free consultation at 856-833-0600 in New Jersey, or 215-567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sore Lawyers: Nutritious Diet Key to Recovery

Bed sore lawyers believe that patients who suffer from pressure ulcers need to meet with a dietitian as soon as possible. In association with a licensed dietitian, patients can determine the best diet for supporting healing and promoting recovery. Many elderly people who suffer from bed sores likely do not receive the proper nutrients daily. A malnourished individual who does not get a recommended daily diet lacks the capacity to synthesize protein in order to repair tissue.

Questionnaire and Examination Generally Assist in Prescribing an Adequate Diet

new jersey philadelphia bed sore lawyers Nutritious Diet Key RecoveryThrough a series of questions and a physical examination, a physician can get a better sense of the strength and nutrition an individual is receiving. After the test, if the doctor believes that a patient may be malnourished, tests should be run to monitor the serum albumin and lymphocyte counts. Dietary supplements and nutrients should be prescribed for a patient who is at risk for malnutrition. Possible supplements and nutrients can include Vitamins A, B, C, and E, arginine, glutamine, magnesium, selenium, manganese, and zinc, among others. If a patient is assigned to take these vitamins and minerals, it is imperative that a physician’s instructions are strictly followed. Bed sore lawyers believe that the strength of these minerals and vitamins can lead to severe issues regarding health if they are taken in improper dosages. They also believe that high protein diets increase the speed and effectiveness regarding pressure ulcers.

Everyone, regardless of age, should engage in healthy eating to ensure that they are receiving adequate vitamins. This sort of healthy lifestyle and diet is even more important in those who suffer from bed sores because it takes a healthy body to combat these ulcers and infection.

Bed Sore Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If a loved one has acquired a pressure ulcer while in a nursing home or has had negligent treatment of a bed sore or pressure ulcer, you may have questions for a bed sore lawyer. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, and (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bed Sore Lawyers Know The Causes of Pressure Sores

Pressure which prevents adequate blood from reaching the skin and the tissues beneath may cause bedsores. There are many factors that may lead to pressure sores and people should be on the look out in order to prevent problems before they become serious. Bed sore lawyers believe that three primary factors contribute to bedsores:

  • Sustained pressure
  • Friction
  • Shear

Sustained Pressure, Friction, and Shear are the 3 Primary Contributors to Bedsores

new jersey philadelphia lawyers Bedsore causes pressure soresSustained pressure occurs when the skin and tissue are compacted between the bone and an outer surface. Surfaces such as beds and wheel chairs are the most common. The pressure may over power the blood, flowing through the capillaries, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the skin tissues. Bedsore attorneys believe that regions of the body that are not protected by fat or muscle tend to be at the greatest risk of bedsores caused by sustained pressure.

Friction generally occurs when the skin makes contact with an outside surface through different movements. People changing positions or being moved by care providers may experience friction causing the skin to resist the particular movement. Through friction, skin will become more fragile and susceptible to further injury.

The action of two surfaces moving in opposite directions is known as shear. Shear will cause tissue and blood vessel damage. This type of damage could leave people vulnerable to bedsores. A common example of shear is when a person slides downward in a hospital bed. The tailbone will move downward while the skin over the bone remains in place. This sensation of pulling in opposite directions could leave people vulnerable to bedsores.

Bed Sore Lawyers in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one has acquired a bed sore while in a nursing home, or has had negligent treatment of a bed sore or pressure ulcer, immediately seek further medical attention. Our professionals are dedicated to holding nursing homes responsible. Please contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, and (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.

Bedsore Attorneys Inform of Common Sites of Bed Sore Development

Pressure sores, more commonly known as bedsores, are injuries to the skin and its underlying tissue. These sores arise due to persistent pressure on the skin for an extended period of time. Bedsores are most likely to develop on skin that is covering certain boney areas of the body (i.e. ankles or tailbone). Bedsore lawyers know that individuals who are confined to a bed or use a wheelchair run a higher risk of suffering from pressure sores.

Beds and Wheelchairs could lead to Increased Risks

new jersey philadelphia Bedsore lawyers common sites pressure sores developmentWheelchairs are a necessary means of mobility for many people worldwide. Although wheelchairs allow individuals to move freely from place to place, the extended period of time in the same position could lead to pressure ulcers. Those who rely on wheelchairs need to be weary of this potential. People who frequently use wheelchairs often suffer from pressure sores in a few sites in particular. The tailbone or buttocks, the shoulder blades and spine, and the backs of the legs and arms are common sites for bedsores to form. These areas of the body rest against the wheelchair for a prolonged period of time, creating a wound which slowly evolves through the bedsore stages.

People who are confined to a bed for extended periods of time are also at an increased risk of pressure sores. The back and sides of the head are a major concern of many bedsore attorneys because it can lead to significant pain and prove difficult to treat. Furthermore, the rim of the ears, shoulder blades, hips, tailbone, heels, ankles, and behind the knees are also susceptible to bedsores, due to the prolonged pressure and contact with the bed.

Bedsore Attorneys in New Jersey and Philadelphia

If your loved one has acquired bedsores while in a nursing home, or has had negligent treatment of a bed sore or pressure ulcer, immediately seek further medical attention. Our bedsore attorneys are dedicated to holding nursing homes responsible. Contact the Mininno Law Office for a free case evaluation or call for a free consultation at (856) 833-0600 in New Jersey, and (215) 567-2380 in Philadelphia.